Miss Me: Sultry New Jersey’s Milbelynn wants that honey loving on Standards


Guiding us inside that butterfly feeling and dreaming about that ideal lover who hasn’t appeared yet, Milbelynn wishes for something more than most are willing to fight for on her latest classic, Standards.

Milbelynn (mil-buh-leen) is a New Jersey, USA-based indie RnB singer-songwriter who is best known for her recent breakthrough single called Move.

Milbelynn’s follow up single Standards seamlessly marries gut-wrenching poetry to an empowered, rhythmic R&B anthem.” ~ an exclusive quote from Milbelynn

Wondering who is actually out there that can live up to her lofty expectations, Milbelynn sings with such harmonious delicacy and takes us for a nostalgic ride into her mind, who is seeking a proper Prince-like warrior.

Embracing our souls and showing us her self-worth, this is a track that will hold you close and give strength to those who feel that being single is a sign of weakness.

Standards from New Jersey, USA-based indie RnB singer-songwriter Milbelynn is a vocally excellent single to get our bodies gravitating towards someone so perfect, they make your heart melt like an ice-cream. Pacifying our senses and performing with a rare class from a young Queen, who only wants to be with someone decent who will go the extra mile.

When you know what you want, you soon see who is on the same page and who isn’t.

Check out the video on YouTube and find out more on IG.

Reviewed by Llewelyn Screen

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