UK Hip Hop Producer GieoSound energises the airwaves with their latest drop “Na Na Na Na!”

It is an incredibly rare occurrence for true personality to shine through in Hip Hop, but after hearing GieoSound’s latest release Na Na Na Na! I feel like I know the artist and producer well enough to invite them over for a cup of tea.

With the track which dropped on October 27th, the UK-based artist and producer put a brand new spin on the frustrative and aggressive tracks which have been created during lockdown. It’s a work of feisty defiance, but with the lush warm soft tones and GieoSound’s playfully enigmatic approach to production, you can’t help but feel a little endeared and reassured that no matter how bleak things seem, it’s all going to be okay. Even if it isn’t, at least we’ll have blazing new drops such as Na Na Na Na! to jam to as the apocalypse looms.

You can check out Na Na Na Na! for yourselves by heading over to YouTube now.

Review by Amelia Vandergast

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