South London’s Nick Frayzier wonders if they will ever be ‘In sync’

Bringing us a mesmerising single that shall boost your heart rate and get you looking more in-depth inside the whole picture that you thought was painted, Nick Frayzier takes us into a world that knows that something isn’t quite right with the timing on, ‘In sync‘.

Nick Frayzier is a South London, UK-based Kenyan-born artist and music producer who fuses the line between RnB, rap and jazz to form his own experimental blend of brilliance.

Nick started his musical journey back in 2016 where he would upload songs to Soundcloud using instrumentals he found on YouTube.” ~ Nick Frayzier

Sizzling our senses awake with a cannonball of a single that shows the diverse awesomeness of a creative in full flight, Nick Frayzier flicks a switch and shows us where the light has been hidden all this time on a tantalising release.

His growing popularity in the UK underground scene is a sign that people find Nick’s unique takes on common song topics such as love, loss and yearning to be refreshing, expressing the mightiest highs and the abyssal lows of emotion.” ~ Nick Frayzier

In sync‘ from South London, UK-based Kenyan-born indie solo artist Nick Frayzier, is such a speaker-shaking effort from an artist who is always looking for the next level. His vocals are striking and loaded with a worldly attitude, that has him looking through all the fake plastic – as he tries to find that planet where everything is real – between two souls on the same wavelength. If you are looking for something to open up your conflicted mindset again, this is the answer to all your desires.

Hear this new single on Spotify and see more on the IG music page.

Reviewed by Llewelyn Screen

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