Close Your Eyes: Calming Chester singer-songwriter Tim Whyte feels the loving ‘Visions’ on breathtaking ballad-filled pop visuals

As he deeply imagines her sweet and loving presence close by, Tim Whyte holds on for the hope that they will be together no matter what happened before, on his spectacular new music video called ‘Visions‘.

Tim Whyte is a humble Chester, Cheshire-based solo indie-pop singer-songwriter, former band member and nature lover. He has a soothing voice that will give you shivers of delight — as he performs with a pure sound and with emotionally-charged lyrics — that might have you reaching for the tissues or pretending that something is in your eye.

He soars in the woods, looking for signs of her spirit and waiting for her to hold his hand with so much care again. The electricity fuels his mind and he wants it badly again, no matter what it does to him.

His vocal ability is so tremendous and you find yourself locked into one place, avoiding any distractions as you enjoy this terrific song that is so sad, but also fills you with hope that you may find your true love who is lost for now.

Visions‘ from the Chester-based indie-pop artist Tim Whyte, is a love story that hold you close to the dreams that you want to be a reality. You can’t stop thinking about your true love and even if it doesn’t work out, you will never forget them.

When you love someone so much, the heart will beat faster each time you think of them. Forever.

See this lovely new music video on YouTube and see his journey via IG.

Reviewed by Llewelyn Screen

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