‘Summertime Love’ is a heat-filled passionate new single from Michael Vincent

Michael Vincent is a singer-songwriter and guitarist from New York City and he returns with his new single ‘Summertime Love‘.

The City that never seems to sleep, New York. Michael is always thinking and dreaming in sound, melody, and lyrics. He had his first violin lesson at the age of six and got into the music scene from there. The bug bit and has never let go. After learning the guitar, and was involved in orchestra, jazz ensemble, several rock bands, and song writing. From there it was piano, drums, ukeleke, and he learned to sing. With such a passion to learn all these incredible instruments, you can tell that he wants to be the best he can be.

With a pure voice that captures your attention like a new crisp camera lens, Michael Vincent is in top form with the summer classic that we have been blessed with. There are clicking of the fingers here, the vocals are smooth and the beat reminds you of the beach, being with good friends and enjoying ‘Summertime Love‘. This is a house-covered tasty treat for our hungry ears who will consume this with a smile on your face. This is the type of song that gets you in a mood with dancing and be happy, forgetting all your worries.

Click here for the Facebook page.

Head through to Spotify for more.

Reviewed by Llewelyn Screen

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