Folk Singer Songwriter Hellwaffles Has Made Their Debut with the Amorously Sweet Single “Training Wheels”

Folk and Indie Punk converge in singer-songwriter Hellwaffles debut single “Training Wheels”. The instantly enamouring Lo-Fi track may just consist of an acoustic guitar and Alt Folk vocals, but that’s all that was required to create a resounding intimate single.

The lyrics run you through all too relatable mental health issues as the artist employs their sense of humour about the never-ending battle when it comes to keeping your sanity. Quite honestly, I can’t remember the last time I heard a more relatable single.

I’m already stoked to hear what comes next from Hellwaffles and their refreshingly candid style.

You can check out Training Wheels for yourselves by heading over to Spotify.

Keep up to date with the latest releases by Hellwaffles by following them on Instagram.

Review by Amelia Vandergast

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