Nevada’s Haley and the Comet shine so brightly on their star-chasing debut single, ‘Across The Desert Sky’

Raising the bar on what music should sound like in a world that needs so much healing and hope, Haley and the Comet is rather stupendous on their debut release that will have you feeling free again with, ‘Across The Desert Sky‘.

Haley and the Comet is a Haley Bond-led Reno, Nevada-based indie-pop/rock band who are new on the scene but have a scintillating aura that awakens your sleepy soul.

It’s well known that wild horses run free across Nevada’s landscape, and the state possesses a vibe of freedom and wildness of spirit that is often infused into its art and music as well.” ~ Haley and the Comet

With an exceptional style that is made for music festivals in the best places imaginable, Haley and the Comet are rather special with a single that has you believing that you can find your true love no matter what barriers are in the way.

Across The Desert Sky‘ from the fresh Reno, Nevada-based indie pop/rock band Haley and the Comet, is a superb release to embrace warmly that flourishes your mind and gets you thinking that this is one of the most stimulating singles so far in 2022. The vocals are crisp and honey in texture, with a soundscape that sends your heart into a whole new world of intrigue.

On a debut track that really captures your imagination, this is a song that shall get you feeling like anything is actually possible if you believe it enough.

Listen to this thrilling new single on Spotify and see more via the IG music page.

Reviewed by Llewelyn Screen

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