Maddison Skies have made their Pop debut with their optimistic playlist staple ‘To the Moon and Back’

We’ve heard our fair share of debut singles this year after so many artists were driven to find the catharsis in expression in chaotically confusing times, but very few, if any, were as soul-meltingly powerful as ‘To the Moon and Back from Maddison Skies.

Maddison Skies consists of Gracie May, Thea, and Sophie; three phenomenally talented UK-based vocalists who banded together through adversity. On their first real life meeting, they recorded their debut single to instil some much-needed optimism on the airwaves. To the Moon and Back is a stunning Indie Pop testament to the power and necessity of love, if you’re not convinced, their harmonised vocals will give you all the assurance you need.

If this is the future of girl groups, colour me excited.

You can check out the official music video to Maddison Skies’ debut single by heading over to YouTube.

Review by Amelia Vandergast

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