Love, Builder of Worlds has unleashed their synth-punk manifesto, Scared for the Climate

Love, Builder of Worlds

With the release of “Scared for the Climate“, the independent artist, Love, Builder of Worlds, delivered an electrifying DIY alt-rock anthem that captures the essence of punk rebellion with the precision of a seasoned artist.

The single encapsulates a raw, urgent message wrapped in the infectious energy of funk-drenched synth punk—a stylistic nod to the dance-punk vibes reminiscent of Kathleen Hanna’s work in Le Tigre. The track’s short, snappy runtime is no barrier to its impact; instead, it enhances its punchy, protest-driven ethos. The lyrics hit hard and fast, their pseudo-hip-hop delivery layering a sense of immediacy over the compelling synth rhythms. The result is a powerful musical manifesto that does more than just sound an alarm—it’s a public safety announcement for the planet.

Love’s unique artistic background, as part of the Olólúfè Collective, infuses their work with a profound understanding of intersectional struggles. They navigate through genres—from punk rock to afrobeat—with the ease of a genre-defying originator, underscoring their commitment to challenging colonial binary frameworks through music.

Scared for the Climate is a fiery call to awareness, urging listeners to confront one of the most pressing existential threats of our time. Through this track, Love, Builder of Worlds, doesn’t merely aim to entertain but to galvanise action, making it a quintessential listen for those attuned to the pressing issues of our era and the potent power of music as a form of resistance.

Scared for the Climate is due for release on May 5th; stream the single on Bandcamp, SoundCloud and Apple Music.

Review by Amelia Vandergast

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