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I Love You: Denver’s Gordon turns the darkness into light on ‘Sunshine of Mine’

Taken off his debut twelve-track album called ‘Emerson‘, Gordon reminds us of those classic special authentic times that keeps you smiling throughout the dark clouds of today called ‘Sunshine of Mine‘.

Robbie Gordon Conaway aka Gordon is an original Denver, Colorado-based indie folk/blues singer-songwriter, artist, short film producer and photographer, who has recently started his solo journey after being in the band Ghettobillies.

This is the story of feeling that true love deep inside you no matter what the obstacles, as you just know in the bottom of your heart that they are the one for you. The road might be long and winding, but the journey will certainly be worth it.

He sings with such a tender tone that is full of genuine energy that fills your heart up, you feel his warmness simmer in with a superior voice that has you listening real close and taking in every verse with a smile.

Sunshine of Mine‘ from the fantastic Colorado indie singer-songwriter Gordon, leads us into the midst of yesterday’s simpler times, while also teaching us that hope and that positive self-aware perspective, is certainly needed to be happy in this rather stranger world.

Stream this new single on Spotify and check out the IG for more.

Reviewed by Llewelyn Screen

She’s The One: Black Rambo is back with new passion-filled single ‘Baby Your Fine’

As he sings with such passion and meaning, Black Rambo wants to be her King on the new single from this veteran in the music game called ‘Baby Your Fine‘.

Well-traveled Florida/Colorado-based RnB/hip-hop artist Black Rambo, is a man on a mission to be heard and he makes that raw storyteller type of music that is made from the streets, as he tells you what its really like to survive in these wild times.

This is the story of his lust for her, as he wants to show that he is in this for the right reasons and wants there to be no doubts at all, about his true intentions.

He sings as a man in love does, he has imagined what it would be like to be with her and wants this to work, no matter what he has to do in order for this to happen.

Baby Your Fine’ from Florida/Colorado singer/rapper Black Rambo, is a song that shows his love for a girl that he really wants to be with. He sings and raps with that glow in his eye and this is a track to play with that person who you want to vibe with.

Stream this new single on Reverbnation.

Reviewed by Llewelyn Screen

What I could be: Eric Disiac and Kah Li push the sticky doubters away for good on visuals for ‘Jelly’

Making their intentions known via this thriving music video, Eric Disiac & Kah Li once and for all, let it be known that pettiness and hating has no place in their world on ‘Jelly‘.

Eric Disiac & Kah Li are enthralling Denver, Colorado USA-based indie-RnB artists, who sparkle brightly with a glass-half full kind of captivating music style for our souls to recharge with happily, that helps douse the flames of hate and needless jealously away.

They sing with such purpose and the stunning visuals are so well done, capturing the moment and letting us into their new wave of positive mindsets, that only seeks evolution and success, through the dusty smog of this current selfish world.

These two top artists connect so well on the fine new single, their smoothly delivered voices are on the same page with the story of dealing with fake former friends, outsiders that keep on with their senseless small talk, which only frustrates but will not get them too down.

Jelly‘ from the stunningly pure RnB voices of Eric Disiac & Kah Li, has you reaching for your dreams and making sure that you sweep off any lingering crew members, that are all about themselves and can’t see past their noses. In this life, you need to surround yourself with real humans that back your vision, as you back theirs.

Always be wary of those who don’t clap when you’re winning right?

See the vibrant music video on YouTube and follow IG for more.

Reviewed by Llewelyn Screen

Slow Down: Shawn Butzin reminds us to appreciate what we have on ‘Smell the Roses’

After returning home after the unfortunate passing of his late father, Shawn Butzin was so inspired by his long walks in the peaceful Michigan mountains to make tender music so he could sooth his soul and ‘Smell the Roses‘ symbolizes his healing journey.

Shawn Butzin is an award-winning Colorado to Michigan indie-folk singer-songwriter, who foraged himself out of the darkness of mourning, to plant a new seed into the world for us to be uplifted through his deeply heartfelt music.

Taken off his debut solo album, ‘Northern Trails‘, this is a message to turn the volume down, shut the phone off, take a breath and look around to really see what is in front of you. That self-aware reflection is so real and true, your heart beats a bit faster as you remember that loving memory of those left behind in these often barren landscapes, that can hide the true beauty unless you actually seek it out.

His voice is sad and genuine at the same time, as you feel a tear drop down your cheek as you listen closer to this wonderful musician who through those long walks along the stunning Northern Michigan’s trails and campsites, found his peace through music to help us all realize what is really important.

Smell the Roses‘ from Traverse City, Michigan-based indie singer-songwriter Shawn Butzin, is that memory that you can’t shake off your mind, the true impact of this song will only be felt when you deal with this moment of loss but will forever remain in your soul. The way he beautifully leads you with him on the trail of healing, is quite remarkable.

Stream this classic song on Spotify and join his long walks in the mountains on IG.

Reviewed by Llewelyn Screen

Every decision matters: Landy V drops the realness with ‘Believing in my Lies’

Showing true honesty with a personal story, Landy V is back with her hot new track called ‘Believing in my Lies‘, which will have you thinking deeply about how powerful your words and actions really are.

Landy V is a compelling Denver, Colorado-based singer/rapper, who performs with that inner passion to improve each day, be real to herself and raps with such skill and sings with illuminating beauty. She makes that music that has you looking inside the deepest part of your soul, which tells you to brush out all self-doubts into the trash can, so you can be finally free and be yourself no matter what anyone else says about you. This is your life after all, no theirs to judge, just because they are unhappy with whatever choices has defined them.

This is the story about how she fell into the fad-life trap for a while, but managed to thankfully unshackle herself through meditation and working things out mentally through extra effort. This is a determined woman who realized that she didn’t want to be like everyone else and instead, is totally steadfast to looking into the mirror each day and being proud of who she is, without feeling herself too much and losing touch with her soul.

The fiery raps lead you into her studio as she flows like a real pro, her voice is sumptuous and you can’t help but cheer for this fighter who has risen from the dust, to be on the road that she wants, not where other leads her into the detours that make you a copycat fake.

Believing in my Lies‘ from the wildly talented Denver emcee Landy V, is a sensation track about how you can sometimes get a bit too deep underwater with trying to be too fresh, that you actually start sinking into yourself, with the stories that you start to actually believe. With the way commercial music is exaggerated to a scary level of falseness sometimes, its so refreshing to hear a rapper who is self-aware enough to take a step back, to get back to total reality again.

Life can have you spinning into worrying web around you due to social media and the way marketing is pushed into your face for breakfast each day. To take a breath and know who you really are, is absolutely priceless and can’t ever be bought.

Stream this vibin’ track on her Spotify, see her YouTube for more and head through to the IG.

Reviewed by Llewelyn Screen

A breath of fresh air: Ellsworth drops her incredible debut single ‘Growing Pains’

Ellsworth returns with her stunningly elegant vocals and vivid storytelling on her first single called ‘Growing Pains‘.

Denver, Colorado indie-folk/Americana singer-songwriter Megan Ellsworth aka Ellsworth picked up the guitar when she was just eight years old thanks to her Dad, and hasn’t looked back since. The marvelous music melodies she makes are lodged deep in her brain and her wonderful creativity is a blessing to our lonely hearts, as she sings with such grace and class.

She is a supremely lyrical storyteller with a real tale about how growing up is challenging but that it all worked out in the end. Growing up is full of twists and turns throughout and with the support of those close, we can do anything we set our minds to.

“To actively grapple with the deeper aspects of humanity, with the complicated experience of being human that we all know and can relate to”.- Ellsworth

With a stunningly pure voice, boundless enthusiasm and a way with words that hugs deep into our hearts, she is a singer-songwriter that is finding her feet and it feels like she will only get better and better through time. Having talent is one thing but being sincere, putting in the hard work and going for your dreams through undoubted trial and error, is how you become truly great at what what you set your mind to.

Growing Pains‘ from the exciting talent Ellsworth from Denver is a spiritually awakening experience and you will get lost in her fine voice, as she weaves a pleasurable web around your mind, body and soul.

Hear these crisply gorgeous vocals on Spotify and follow her adventures on IG and FB.

Reviewed by Llewelyn Screen

Finding that way inside: Andy Eppler searches for the special moment on the groovy ‘Much Less Under’

Colorado artist, singer-songwriter and podcast host Andy Eppler brings his unique style to the fore of our minds on ‘Much Less Under‘.

The jazzy start gets you in the mood rather quickly and you get the feeling that this is going to be a song full of much heart and soul. The bouncy intro is a pleasure on the ears as the gritty vocals have so much blues and soul wrapped around the edges here. His voice is real and simmers hot like a hot cuppa coffee, this is a man that is a true storyteller and has clearly lived life to the fullest.

His artwork seems to be the main passion in his life and probably pays the bills as the music is a treat he teases the world, as this is an incredible singer-songwriter. The way he tells stories is a blessing to hear as he tells us about how he was invited into seeing more of their heart but something is holding him back from seeing the whole picture. Perhaps they are either too shy to let you know more or they have been hurt before and are making sure that you are the real deal. Sometimes people let you in but wait a while until they feel the timing is 100% right, if that ever happens.

Andy Eppler is a multi-talented singer-songwriter, artist and podcast host who clearly has the gift of the gab and he sings with such intrigue here on ‘Much Less Under‘. The story of trying to work out what the best way in is with a person that is holding back from what they really want. With his quality band, his strong vocals and a style that has so much soul, this is a song that will have you pondering your next move when you see your crush again.

Stream this quality song via Soundcloud and follow the socials to see more on FB and IG.

Reviewed by Llewelyn Screen

A terrific insight into the music business with ‘Dear Mr Producer’ from Estella Dawn

Estella Dawn is a USA-based singer who is back with the earth-shattering vocals that impress on her new single called ‘Dear Mr Producer‘.

This is a genuine singer-songwriter who combines elements of Pop, Neo Soul and Rock music with intelligent lyrics and powerful vocals to create lasting original music that blasts through the speakers.

The New Zealand-born, Colorado-based singer has a huge voice that never strains or sounds out of tune. She has that special gift and is using her skills for good things. The lyrics are real and this is a winner. A real special soul who isn’t taking the easy route.

I love how Estella sings and the way that she has made sure that integrity is very high on her agenda. She is not willing to let anyone else control her music career and she is a shining light in the music world. Too often integrity is low down on the list of some performers as they rush to the top, this is not one of those times and for this, we should applaud this fine singer.

Click here to stream via Spotify

Head through to the Facebook page.

Reviewed by Llewelyn Screen

Landlocked are here with the incredibly beautiful ‘Jupiter’

Landlocked are a young 5 piece band and they are here with this stunning song called ‘Jupiter‘.

You would backpack to the moon to see them smile. This is a love song about wanting that person to be with you so bad. Perhaps the timing is not quite right but you are so confident that this will happen. You feel like you two are meant to be together and will do anything you can to make it happen. You are willing to do what you can but will they show you that they want you too?

Taken off ‘Time For Nothing‘ this is the debut song from the young band from Castle Rock in Colorado in the USA. I love the sweet vocals on this and the band are so good together. This is a story of love and this makes my heart happy. I like the indie folk vibes and they simmer through the madness of the world. Landlocked are a fine young band and their vibe is one that we should listen to again and again.

Stream here on Spotify to hear this magnificent track.

Click here to find out more on Insta.

Reviewed by Llewelyn Screen

Mtn Beats send us slow smooth house to relax with ”Infinite”

Denver Producer Mtn Beats returns with their most striking release so far. ”Infinite” is a relaxing single that impresses so much. The Colorado musician manages to find the most relaxing sounds in the world and put it in one song. Genius.

Infinite” is vocal free and allows one to fully immerse their soul into the ocean, your heart feels pure and you’re almost at full peace. The world is so crazy right now and I feel so much more relaxed while daydreaming during the 4 minute 12 second song.

I feel like this is a sign of things to come from Mtn Beats. The beats here are well-received and there is no nonchalance here. Only striking beats and a feeling of being with nature. A huge message in a terrifying year for the world. The Denver producer Mtn Beats has created a fantastic song with ”Infinite”.

Stream this song via Spotify.

Reviewed by Llewelyn Screen