Leena Regan – Ghost Town: Harmoniously Mellifluous Downtempo Pop

Leena Regan has made waves with her earlier releases, yet her most recently released single “Ghost Town” will allow you to appreciate the harmoniously mellifluous vocals; all wrapped up in the perfect downtempo Pop package. Ghost Town ethereally flits between Jangly Pop Rock and Dreampop which is bordering on celestial. Yet, the power in Leena Regan’s vocals remain a constant throughout the single.

Ghost Town is so much more than just a standalone single, it is the first track from the artist’s new 5-track project “Melancholy Mind”, in which each of the singles will invite the listener to share “un-sharable moments” of the artist’s life. We can only hope that more artists in the future will be inclined to be as candid as they strive to create resonance and solidarity through their music.

You can check out Leena Regan’s latest single Ghost Town for yourselves by heading over to Spotify now.

Review by Amelia Vandergast

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