8udDha bl0od has dropped his insane single 22.23

There never comes a time when you don’t have any music from this artist to listen too, always putting his all into his music and releasing as much as he can for his listeners to delve into.

8udDha bl0od has dropped single ‘22.23’ pulling many elements from the Rock scene, having that rather edgy and mysterious tone to it, whilst embracing that rather funky and fiery style, there’s a bit of everything in this one and that’s why we love it.

It’s always a highlight when really listening to the vocals that flow throughout this piece, you’re hooked within seconds, they do sound peculiar, rather raspy and fairly brittle at times, the way the tone of voice changes within seconds is why this artist deserves all the recognition he receives, but not only that the way in which each song is different.

The electric guitar tunes in, hitting each string to create this energetic riff as the light tap on the drums begin to illuminate in the background,  pushing these two instruments together to create this rather compelling instrumentation that plays throughout.

If you haven’t always you must check this one out by 8udDha bl0od and all of his other releases.

Check out 8udDha bl0od 22:23 by heading over to SoundCloud now.

Review by Karley Myall

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