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southern rock

Ryan Charles powers in with confidence on ”Rare Breed”

Ryan Charles, Southern Country & Western artist and future star, is back with his new song called ”Rare Breed”. This is a statement song about his arrival in the music game and he isn’t going anywhere, anytime soon. This man is on a mission and with his Harley Davidson, guitar and ripped jeans, this American biker is ready. Bring on a movie about his life.

With a massive chip on his shoulder and after being fed up with life in his hometown in North Carolina, he ditched the small town ways and headed up to big-time California. The goal? To become a performing artist of course, make ladies swoon in his presence and make men wish they were him. The last two points are merely guesses from my side but you get the point, Ryan Charles had a goal and he took his chance.

Rare Breed” is all about building up your confidence and taking that opportunity to get away from the bad influences of back home, that you know aren’t going to take you anywhere but down. Southern Rocker Ryan Charles  and his guitar have just stepped up to the plate and this is an artist to take seriously. He wants success and respect in this music game so armed with his strong voice, inspiring lyrics and hard-nosed attitude, this single release puts him in the conversation.

Review by Llewelyn Screen

Gideon’s Army – Don’t Mind: The Elvis of The Millennial Era

Comparing Gideon’s Army to Elvis is the only feasible way I can allude just how monstrously sexy the Southern Rock band are. The New York band use Classic styling against their contemporary synergy, in short, their music wouldn’t be out of place on a ‘Songs to Strip to’ compilation CD. Perhaps I’m getting a little carried away by Gideon’s Army’s sound, but who doesn’t melt at the sound of soul-crunching riffs and dirty Rock n Roll vocals?

King Of The League was the band’s latest album brought out in January 2016, I personally see it as a crime that they’re not using their show stopping talent to treat fans to their uniquely vibrant sound. I don’t think begging is beneath me. Anyway, if you’re looking for a fresh hit of the same iconic sound as previously exuded by the Rolling Stones and Tom Petty, you don’t want to miss out on this track.

You can check out Don’t Mind on SoundCloud using the link below:

Keep up to date with all Gideon’s Army’s latest releases by following them on Facebook:

Review by Amelia Vandergast