Let Go: Enilora releases stunning 2nd single all about trying to release your heart from the past on ‘Your Perfume’

With her genuine passion for inspiring others manifesting organically into her much-anticipated debut EP which is set for release in 2022, Enilora shows us that time to heal from the sad reminder you wish you hadn’t just recalled on ‘Your Perfume‘.

Enilora aka Karoline Stensen, is a Stavanger, Norway-born indie-pop singer-songwriter who is now based in vibrant Aalborg, Denmark.

Along with many others, Karoline’s life was turned upside down in early 2020. She suddenly felt a strong need to transform her feelings into music and thus decided to bring light into the darkness by finally letting her musical side unfold freely. She began sharing her passion for songwriting, debuted as a solo artist, and has within a year made national as well as international collaborations with established producers and artists across the world.” ~ Enilora

Enilora sings with a truly world-class nature like a kind Princess, with her emotionally penned lyrics that certainly captures the moment perfectly. There is an air of contemplative melancholy here as she moves closer to the pure ocean, which is her resting place from everything in this rushed world.

I actually started writing the song on a summer day at a beach in northern Denmark. I had just bought a sunscreen that smelled like the perfume I used back when I lived in Australia. The combination of the beach and this scent aroused a bittersweet nostalgia within me, and inspired me to write “Your Perfume“. ~ Enilora

Your Perfume‘ from the lovely Aalborg, Denmark-based indie-pop artist Enilora, is such a genuinely excellent song made from her honest heart. There is something magnetically special about her luscious vocals that seem to only get better and better throughout the song – while your whole body shivers in euphoria – from such a dazzling talent who helps you heal from your own past romantic traumas. This is pure quality and a notable track that needs all the love in the world.

Hear this new single on Spotify and see her peaceful journey via IG.

Reviewed by Llewelyn Screen

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