Unveiling the Intoxicated Feelings: A Journey into A.L.I.A.S’s Musical Realm

In the mesmerizing world of music, solo artist A.L.I.A.S emerges with a compelling narrative woven into the notes of their latest album, “Intoxicated Feelings.” This interview delves into the artistic process, the profound meaning behind the album, the artist’s career evolution, and a glimpse into the personal journey that shaped A.L.I.A.S into the musician they are today.

The title “Intoxicated Feelings” suggests a deep emotional journey. Can you share the inspiration behind the album and how your personal experiences influenced its creation?

Intoxicated Feelings is an album that shows a number of emotions. The album explains a series of emotions, I go through as a artist, and person. The reason I titled it “ Intoxicated Feelings “ was simply based on the different emotions I went through as an artist. Mostly, about love, life, and mental health. It shares a story in order, starting with the first track “I Do”, to the last track “Burn It Down”.

All tracks explain my admiration for toxic love, but later in the album, I discuss how it affects my mental health, and love life. Intoxicated Feelings was different emotions into one project.

Walk us through the creative process of developing “Intoxicated Feelings.” Did you face any challenges, and were there specific musical or thematic elements you aimed to explore?

 I faced a lot of challenges, I never saw coming. From having to dig deep, and explain my mental health. Also, walking listeners through my love life, and having to understand that I need to show the real me, in order to put out the best work. There were 3 themes I was aiming for with this album. Toxic love, mental health, and healthy love.

As a solo artist, how has your musical style evolved since your earlier work? What new elements or genres have you incorporated into this album to showcase your artistic growth?

My music evolved a lot personally. I started out doing Hip-Hop/Trap in 2020, when I was 19 years old. In 2021, I made the decision to switch to R&B/Soul. I learned how to write, and explain my personal experiences more. The music came easily, the more I got into it. This album, I wanted to show that I can be a versatile artist in any genre. This album contains R&B/Soul, TrapSoul, EDM, and Pop. I wanted the listeners to be able to grasp the set of emotions, and events, but also on some tracks, be able to dance as well. A lot of tracks, I wanted the listeners to just sit back, and listen closely.

Reflecting on your career, what pivotal moments or experiences do you feel have contributed most to your growth as an artist? Are there any challenges you’ve overcome that have significantly shaped your musical identity?

I would definitely say my love life, and mental health. Those two changed the way I make music. As far as events, definitely performing in front of thousands, and shooting music videos, helped my creative flow. Definitely a lot of challenges. There’s a lot of things I had to learn in order to make this album. My goal was always this sound I create now, but I never knew how to hit it on the head. The emotional events I went through as a person helped me along the way.

On a more personal note, can you share a bit about your background and how your life experiences outside of music have influenced your creative process and the themes explored in “Intoxicated Feelings”?

This album, I wanted to show that I belong in the industry. Starting out as a kid, my parents put me in dance school, and certain events in public school to showcase my talent. I always used to write music, but it didn’t come into play until I was 19, when I recorded my first track. Making that switch to R&B/Soul helped me shape this album. I wanted to bring back everything I did as a kid. I went through a lot of emotional trauma during my teenage years. I used to wonder how I appeared to people, and I was embarrassed. Now I realize that I can use all my talents for this album. That means, writing, dancing, singing all in one. Intoxicated Feelings explains exactly who I am. Explaining that I as an artist, and person would like to feel loved. Tracks such as For You, Who’s ?, Closure explains my love life, and lustful desires. Tracks such as I’m Fine, Don’t Let Me Go, Run Away, explains my abandonment issues, and emotional trauma. Burn It Down, explains all my emotional trauma, but also displays my trust issues in an individual. Also, explaining that I will always have my guard up for the rest of my life. Intoxicated Feelings was created, not only to put my life on display, but also relate to others who struggle with their love life, mental health, and other things.

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