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Prog Metal

Settle into an ancient empire with Aklash’s cabalistic black metal single, Babylon

Few true black metal fans will need an introduction to Aklash after their 14-year European reign, yet their expansively styled baroque single, Babylon, prised from their LP, Reincarnation, carries cabalistic cross-over appeal through folk metal finesses and progged-up grooves that ensure that this juggernaut of a single brings plenty more than brutality.

The evocation of tribally kinetic rhythms within the frenetically cultivated progressions fused with the larger-than-material-reality vocal performance puts Aklash on the same convivial level as Nekrogoblikon and Turisas. Instead of merely witnessing the intensity, the immensity of the release uses your soul as a crawlspace, ensuring that passive appreciation is implausible as you attempt to keep pace with the accelerated instrumentals.

If Babylon sets the standard for the rest of the Reincarnation LP, which signifies a rebirth of the band that has thrown black metal traditionalism to the wayside to fully lean into the virtuosity of each member, it’s safe to assume that Aklash won’t just be touring with black metal royalty in the future, they’ll have the most gilded seat at the throne.

Stream the official music video for Babylon which premiered on May 2nd on YouTube.

Review by Amelia Vandergast

Drink Proverbial Cool Aid’s Latest Alternative Single, Sick & Pool Hall

While we expected some degree of ingenuity from an outfit with the moniker Proverbial Cool Aid, we immersed ourselves in more innovation than what we bargained for with their latest single, Sick & Pool Hall, featuring Vince B and J Q Music.

Waiting until the four-minute mark in the track that spans just over six minutes to bring in the vocals was a bold move, especially when the build to them consisted of little more than crunchily distorted vintage tones spilling from the guitars and staccato rhythms, but the progressive track stood as a testament to the good things come to those who wait adage.

After some Kyuss-esque interludes and a  funky bassline laid down by Jack Law, the rock meets rap vocals start slathering the single with a fire that will leave smoke pouring through your speakers long after the fadeout. Sick & Pool Hall may just be the most original entry into the nu-metal genre after the turn of the century. The Houston-based sludge up luminaries are clearly ones to watch.

Stream the latest single from Proverbial Cool Aid by heading over to YouTube.

Review by Amelia Vandergast

Leese – Say Goodbye: Meet Your New Guitar Hero

If it’s been a while since you’ve heard guitar licks slick enough to make your jaw-drop, delve into the arrestive debut single Say Goodbye by breaking Alt Rock artist Leese.

From Thrash to Speed Metal, to Melodic Rock which any fans of Incubus would appreciate, there’s no telling what kind of aural curveball Leese will throw at you next. But each of the seamless seismic shifts in style is as fixating as the last. The grungy Lo-Fi vocals are also an incredibly welcome addition to the perpetually evolving track.

Say Goodbye would have been a hit even if Leese only relied on their technical guitar ability, but there’s so much more in the dynamic mix. With the growling basslines around the ethereal Cradle of Filth-style atmospheric layers, and solos which would give Herman Lee a run for his money Leese is a magnetically absorbing track which you will undoubtedly want on your playlists.

It’s safe to say that we’re pretty stoked to hear what comes next.

You can check out Say Goodbye for yourselves by heading over to Spotify now.

Review by Amelia Vandergast

The Conduit – Declaration: Unmissably Immersive Progressive Metal

“Declaration” is just one of the standout singles off the unmissably immersive Prog Metal album “ABRAXAS SHRINE” from The Conduit.

The term ‘powerhouse’ may get thrown around a lot in metal. But The Conduit’s ability to start off with a mellow Post Punk Indie Rock prelude and devilishly tease their way up to blast beats, caustic pig squeals and insanely technical guitar progressions makes them more than worthy of the accolade.

Declaration not only demands to be played at full volume so that you can drink in the full veracious energy of the track. But it also demands repeat attention to experience those seamless progressions once more.

At over eight minutes long, you may feel like you’re in it for the long haul when you hit play. But you’ll be more than happy with where their pioneering guttural ingenuity takes you with the symphonically transfixing outro.

You can check out Declaration for yourselves by heading over to YouTube now.

Review by Amelia Vandergast

Sky Signals – Shadows of Life: Apocalyptically Hypnotic Prog Metal

Shadows of Life by Sky Signals

We’ve reached that point in musical evolution where tracks from most guitar-driven genres are sounding tired, rehashed unauthentic. Thankfully, the rhythmic intricacies of Prog Metal, still give the acoustically inclined audiophiles something fresh to sink their riff-loving teeth into.

Bands such as Sky Signals prove that there are so many different directions and contortions of sound. With their tracks, Sky Signals provide the same stomach-churning feeling you get when you listen to your favourite techno beat drop. You get the same electrifying sense of energy when it comes to the immersive build ups and explosive instrumental breakdowns accompanied by concordantly fierce melodies. Shadows of Life is one of the latest singles to be released by the Sydney, Australia-based outfit who have used their latest release to stand as a testament to their progressive talent. Even the vocals to Shadows of Life feed into the rhythmic furore of the apocalyptically hypnotic soundscape.

You can check out Shadows of Life for yourselves by heading over to Bandcamp now.

Review by Amelia Vandergast