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Serotonin Surge: Kennedy Administration’s ‘Be Your Lucky Number’ Strikes R&B Gold

From the first vocal note of Kennedy Administration’s single “Be Your Lucky Number,” you’re pulled under the artist’s infectiously vibrant spell which evokes euphoric soul over the zestfully serotonin-soaked groove pockets that carry the synthesis of hip-hop, RnB, and funk, leaving ample room for the pop hooks that keep you immersed in this riot of high vibe charisma that Kennedy Administration has become renowned for.

Every now and again, rare artists emerge that can transcend sound with the soul they deliver, it’s safe to say that Kennedy Administration is firmly in that camp. They’re the antithesis of your average painting-by-numbers artist, their intuitive relationship to music ensures that when Kennedy attacks the canvas, she becomes a conduit for unbridled otherworldly feel-good sensations.

Kennedy’s roots in Michigan’s musical soil, combined with her collaborative spirit alongside the keyboardist and producer Ondre J in New York, have cultivated a fertile ground for their creativity. The dynamic project, based in Brooklyn/NYC, pulses with the energy of the city. Their joy and passion are palpable, promising listeners an immersive journey into a world where every note celebrates the power of music. The single could easily be sold as a cure for depression.

Stream the live performance of Be Your Lucky Number at Studio G in Brooklyn on YouTube now.

Review by Amelia Vandergast

Bruce Mack is at the vanguard of fusionism’s new frontier with ‘Silent Witness’

Bruce Mack, a stalwart of the New York music scene, obliterated the boundaries of sound with his latest fusionist Tour-De-Soulful-Force, Silent Witness, which epitomises his flair in blending genres into a seamless sonic soul-stirrer.

Silent Witness is served with soul-infused grooves, blues-laced interstellar melodies, and hip-hop with funk-infused rhythms, and unravels as a revelation in fusionism which entwines elements of the past to forge new innovative sonic trajectories. Every progression in the song is a lesson in avant-garde experimentalism, yet it’s the cohesive, melodious nature of this multi-faceted hit that ensnares the listener. The lyrics which compel the listener to lean deeper into the nuances of the world’s vibrations also signify the artist’s relevance and value in an era that is becoming increasingly out of kilter with our inherent nature.

Mack’s journey in music is as diverse as the sounds he creates. From his early days with doo-wop aspirations to his expansive work with various ensembles and collaborations with artists like Vernon Reid and Melvin Van Peebles, his creative evolution is evident in every note of Silent Witness. His tenure with Greg Tate’s Burnt Sugar the Arkestra Chamber has further honed his skills in creating music that’s not just heard but felt.

Silent Witness will be available to stream on all major platforms from March 1st. Stream the single on SoundCloud.

Review by Amelia Vandergast

FLIPPIN’ GOTHIC FABP unleashed urban surrealism with ‘JUST HOW OPEN MIC’

FLIPPIN’ GOTHIC FABP’s latest single, ‘JUST HOW OPEN MIC‘, is a feat of unorthodox brilliance. Hailing from, New York, this artist, formerly known as Fabp aka Fabpz the Freelancer, makes a habit of defying convention by merging the gritty essence of urban life with surreal, almost otherworldly dimensions.

The track is an audacious leap into the avant-garde, where spacey, experimental beats collide with a hypnotic rap cadence. FLIPPIN’ GOTHIC FABP’s lyrical prowess is akin to a cosmic navigator, guiding listeners through a sci-fi cinematic universe, yet firmly rooted in the raw, undiluted essence that has been his hallmark. His voice, a blend of rhythmic precision and melodic undertones, weaves through the beats with an almost ethereal quality.

This is not your typical hip-hop fare. ‘JUST HOW OPEN MIC’ challenges the listener, demanding attention and contemplation. It’s a bold statement from an artist who has worked over 2,000 tracks into his discography; a testament to his relentless creativity and dedication to his craft.

Watch the official music video for JUST HOW OPEN MIC by heading over to YouTube.

Review by Amelia Vandergast

igor fused rhythmic ferocity and tender vulnerability in his alt-rock hit, My Own Way

Self-reservation cascaded away when igor stridently proclaimed, “The rumors are true – I just went insane”, in the opening lyric of his latest strident and evocatively raw single, My Own Way.

If people still held their lighters in the air, there are few better calls for an inferno of flame than this reclamation of the 00s alt-rock sound. After a short and sweet prelude, which could easily have given way to a Springsteen anthem, pop-punk signatures sink their teeth into the anthemic production that takes you on a cataclysmic ride through a confessional vignette of how much we give away to meet the expectations of someone that was inching away from us the entire time.

With guitar hooks as viscerally sharp as My Chemical Romance’s under igor’s engrossingly distinctive vocal lines, which refuse to forego authenticity for assimilation, My Own Way is a testament to the Ukraine-born, Russia-raised, NY-residing singer-songwriter and his determination to wear his heart on his sleeve.

While earworms that delve deep into scarred psyches to expose the commonalities of agony are a rarity, igor achieved all of that and more in the symbiosis of rhythmic ferocity and tender vulnerability in My Own Way.

My Own Way was officially released on December 1st; stream it on Spotify.

Review by Amelia Vandergast

Looks at Me: Agaaze drops the groovy-lusciously sweet daydreaming gem Token Clown

Looking back at the sun with his windows down and the air flowing into his lungs rather wonderfully, Agaaze sparks up on his trip into a more content place to be enlightened inside on Token Clown.

Agaaze aka Agathya Visveswaran is an award-winning Rochester, New York-based indie multi-instrumentalist and music producer who is currently studying at the University of Michigan.

Featuring an array of psychedelic peaches to munch on with much vigour, Agaaze keeps things sky-gazing and might change moods around here. He makes punchy music you see. This is soul-boosting and with a style that is rather likeable.

Token Clown from the Rochester, New York-based indie multi-skilled musician Agaaze is a dreamy single to remember for days on end. The beat transports all ears in a memorable trance. that shall elucidate veins and surely convalesce wounds. There is so much to love about a release with a heart-healing aura and for this, we should be certainly thankful.

Turn this up on Spotify.

View more news on his IG.

Reviewed by Llewelyn Screen

Sandor Gavin borrowed from 80s synthpop pioneers in his captivatingly lush synthwave single, Ghost of a Memory ft Weldon

For his latest single, Ghost of a Memory, the Synthwave sensation, Sandor Gavin, borrowed the mesmeric vocal timbre of the featuring artist, Weldon, to leave the airwaves awash with nostalgia, emotion, and captivatingly lush melodies.

There is a strange assumption amongst artists and producers that when summer hits everyone is drunk on love and desperate to hear anthems which capture the euphoria of lust. Thankfully, Sandor Gavin injected realism into his latest synthwave crusade to help his audience through the minefield of lost love and shattered dreams.

The relatability of his crushed romanticism does so much more than just scratch at the surface of superficiality. Everything within Ghost of a Memory runs deep, from the basslines to the ennui to the reverberant hums emanating from the vocals, ensuring that the bitter-sweet release hits all the right marks.

Ghost of a Memory hit the airwaves on June 16; stream it on SoundCloud.

Review by Amelia Vandergast

I Slide: Queens rapper ptmWOK cruises away from those tapped lines on ZOOM

With dope production, illuminating visuals and a massively likeable flow, ptmWOK is in no mood to get caught up in easily avoidable moments which could end the good times forever on his latest video, ZOOM.

ptmWOK is a Queens, New York-based indie Latin-American rapper who has the cool smokey style which puts hairs up on the back of many spines and shows us what the underground sounds like right now.

Teaching the youth how to rap with a decompressed but effective technique, ptmWOK drops the mic of anyone who is doubting. Sending our minds into a flurry of emotions, we find a real emcee who is only improving his craft and straying far from flimsy click-bait fads. This is adult rap to look introspectively into you see.

ZOOM from Queens, New York-based indie Latin-American rapper ptmWOK is a supremely confident song to delve deeper into the mindset of a real visionary. Avoiding the lame wackness which is sadly in abundance and straying away from the common songs which will never be timeless, this is a reminder that proper lyricism is alive and well.

If you love underground hip-hop with significance, turn it up and forget the rest.

Check out this Flushing Meadows-shot video on YouTube.

Follow him further on IG.

Reviewed by Llewelyn Screen

Nice and Juicy: FLIPPIN’ GOTHIC FABP munches on that appetising fruit with, HOW I EAT A MANGO

Taking another bite and loving each second no matter who is watching, FLIPPIN’ GOTHIC FABP knows that its definitely time to taste each fibre of one of the most mouthwatering treats in the entire world on the hugely enjoyable lesson for us all on how to appreciate a treat, HOW I EAT A MANGO.

FLIPPIN’ GOTHIC FABP (formally known as Fabp aka Fabpz the Freelancer) is a Jamaica Queens, New York-based hip-hop artist who loves his tracks laced by the crew at X-Calade Promotionz.

Sizzling with intent and educating us all about what is possible if enough care and precision are projected, FLIPPIN’ GOTHIC FABP will entertain many with this raw track to turn up rather loud.

HOW I EAT A MANGO from Jamaica Queens, New York-based hip-hop creative FLIPPIN’ GOTHIC FABP is an underground lesson on how to relish something so scrumptious, lives are changed from the first bite. Made with true fondness and dropping fire for us to lacerate into, this is the kind of single to play loud and with lips licking in anticipation.

Just let him eat in peace.

Check out this new music video on his YouTube page.

Check out this top-notch single on IG.

Reviewed by Llewelyn Screen

Let Me Make You Smile: Chuck Starr finds the missing love on Swipe Right

Taken directly via the debut album called Love Math, Chuck Starr has unearthed a new love for us to be encouraged by in such an ignore-me-now world with an absolute gem called Swipe Right.

Chuck Starr is a Columbus, Ohio-born New York-based indie RnB-influenced pop singer-songwriter who loves to invoke deep emotions to enthrall all listeners deep inside.

Leaving his audiences with lasting impressions of happiness, love, and joy after every show, Starr easily gained popularity through social media following and expanded his fan base internationally.” ~ Chuck Starr

As he lights up the stage and causes blushes to emerge from the crowd, Chuck Starr is so fantastic on Swipe Right and might cause romantic moods to reappear.

Swipe Right from Columbus, Ohio-born New York-based indie RnB-influenced pop singer-songwriter Chuck Starr is a hand-holding kinda track for those who have felt so lonely and out of love. There is pure calmness here in droves, leading us into a romantic embrace like no other.

Sung with a tremendous tone and bringing us hope, this is a slow dance single to glide with all night.

Turn this up loud on Spotify.

Reviewed by Llewelyn Screen

If Only For This Moment: Autrige Nyemah Dennis looks for that eternal love on Will You Marry Me (Party Mix)

Hearing yes and feeling so much care and love for this special moment, Autrige Nyemah Dennis feels the passion flow through like a stream in the ocean on the romantic wonder that is Will You Marry Me (Party Mix).

Autrige Nyemah Dennis is a Monrovia, Liberia-raised New York-based indie pop singer-songwriter, music producer, writer and owner/senior patent illustrator at

Since 2007, Autrige has worked with many inventors, patent law firms and companies around the world. ASCADEX and Autrige Dennis are highly recommended by leading IP law blogs such as IPWatchdog and media outlets like Verizon News.
Autrige holds one U.S. Utility Patent for a unique product that was illustrated using the same techniques he uses to prepare clients’ drawings.” ~ Autrige Nyemah Dennis

Superb to the core and giving us all so much more to live for, Autrige Nyemah Dennis is the kind of creative soul who is making music for love. Self-produced and brimming with quality, this is a romantic love letter to cherish.

Will You Marry Me (Party Mix) from Monrovia, Liberia-raised New York-based indie pop singer-songwriter Autrige Nyemah Dennis is a stunning soundtrack for all the lovers out there in the world. This is the type of song which will sweep many off their feet, and take us all into a much better world packed with kisses and hope.

Turn this up on Spotify.

Reviewed by Llewelyn Screen