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independent rock

Surrey’s Tribal Jury seared sophistication into hard rock with ‘Beat You Down’

In their relentless mission to swathe the hard rock scene in sophistication, the UK’s suavest band of prodigal sons, Tribal Jury, has unleashed their latest installation of swaggering rhythmic seduction, Beat You Down.

As the self-professed Gentlemen of Rock, the Surrey-hailing fourpiece finds a diaphanous balance between the down ‘n’ dirty rock ‘n’ roll debauchery delivered in the instrumentals and the clean-cut urbaneness within the vocals that aren’t too gentrified to wrap themselves around razor-sharp hooks and to bring you right into the core of their fiercely slick sound which resounds with augmented exhilaration.

With hints of Vedder pulling through in the harmonies and Slash’s soundprint searing through the guitar solos, no self-respecting rock fan will tune into Beat You Down and fail to recognise how Tribal Jury brought down the hammer to carve a fresh niche in the rock pantheon.

Beat You Down is the ultimate invitation to unleash your anger into a rendered-with-resolve hit that suffers no tyrannical fools. Hit play and find infinite vindication in the anthem.

Beat You Down was officially released on June 29th; stream the single on Spotify.

Review by Amelia Vandergast

Is Rock as Dead as Emily Eavis Thinks It Is?


The remarks made by Emily Eavis, organiser of the Glastonbury Festival, about the scarcity of new rock acts to headline the festival has sparked a heated broader conversation about the current state of rock music and its place in today’s music industry. Eavis’s candid and arguably ignorant comments reflect a notable shift in the music landscape, where rock music seems to have drifted from its mainstream prominence – unless the nostalgia factor comes into play.

Naturally, her comments rubbed plenty of people the wrong way, including the rock-adjacent acts who are pouring their blood, sweat and tears into their careers and those who follow and champion them. Yet, Glastonbury isn’t the only major UK festival which is struggling to find fresh rock headliners. Take Download for example; the biggest acts this year included Queens of the Stone Age, Fall Out Boy, Avenged Sevenfold, The Offspring, Machine Head and Pantera; the only relatively fresh blood among the acts was Royal Blood, who have still been around for more than a decade.

So why is it that new rock artists in the UK are relegated to smaller stages or shunned from festivals entirely? The answer lies within a conflating myriad of factors which will be outlined below, followed by an outline of ways to remedy the crumbling talent pipeline and revive the genre.

Why Emerging Rock Artists Have Been Pushed to the Festival Line-Up Sidelines

Even if the torch you carry for rock hasn’t diminished, the popular shift away from rock towards pop, hip-hop, and electronica can’t be dismissed. Dominant artists and genres will naturally draw larger crowds, hence festival bookers being more inclined to allocate prime space to them. With music festivals feeling the pinch more than ever, leading to more than 42 festival organisers in the UK and Ireland cancelling, postponing or totally laying to rest their events, playing it safe with the line-ups in this economy is vital for organisers if they want to see another year.

It is crucial to remember that festivals operate on a commercial basis and prioritise acts that guarantee large audiences and higher returns. As rock is perceived to have a smaller or more niche following compared to other genres, rock bands often end up on smaller stages. While it is a bitter pill for rock fans to swallow that their favoured genre is no longer the flavour of the era and they are no longer catered to by festival bills, acceptance of this fact and that festivals aren’t patrons of the arts, but commercial entities, removes some of the confusion and contempt from the equation.

Other factors which may contribute to new rock artists struggling to secure coveted spots on festival line-ups include the evolution of marketing trends, which modernistically focuses on viral marketing and social media presence, and the change in festival dynamics, which has seen many modern festivals are embracing a more eclectic approach to their line-ups to reflect cultural diversity and inclusivity, which can sometimes mean traditional rock bands find less prominence.

The Future of Rock: A Revival?

While the current scenario might seem grim for rock fans, the genre’s revival is not out of the question. Music trends are cyclical, and the essence of rock—its raw emotion and the energy of live performances—continues to have a dedicated following. The challenge lies in adapting to the new musical landscape without losing the genre’s authentic appeal.

There is no shortage of contemporary rock bands with the talent, the songwriting stripes, and the charisma to lead illustrious chart-topping careers. However, as any independent artist will tell you, without major financial backing, it is practically impossible to elevate their standing in the music industry. As current collective tastes are geared toward other genres, it isn’t likely that many labels will want to take the risk on emerging rock bands, leading to a Catch-22 situation where the rock scene has stagnated and only the bands which thrived while rock was the dominant genre are revered in popular culture.

Addressing the Talent Pipeline

Emily Eavis was unequivocally wrong in her statement that there are no new rock bands; what would have been a more accurate assessment is that the industry has ceased to gamble/capitalise on and nurture new talent.

She is also underplaying her own responsibility in the death of rock music; for rock to regain prominence, new talent needs platforms, and what could be a better platform than Glastonbury? After all, it is one of the only festivals that people fall over themselves to buy tickets for before actually seeing the line-up! So many Glastonbury-goers claim that it’s not about the music, it is about the experience, making it the perfect festival for little-known artists to gain a foothold in the music industry.

In Conclusion

While Emily Eavis’s remarks on the scarcity of new rock acts at Glastonbury might seem to signal a bleak future for the genre, it is essential not to view this as an absolute demise.

Rock music’s position within the contemporary music industry has shifted, facing significant competition from genres that resonate more with today’s digital and streaming cultures. However, this does not preclude a resurgence. Rock music, with its deep roots and passionate fan base, has the potential to adapt and reassert itself in the mainstream. It necessitates an environment where new talents are nurtured and given opportunities to shine, much like what Glastonbury and other festivals could offer.

Rather than seeing Eavis’s comments as a final verdict on rock music, they should be interpreted as a call to action—to the industry, to festival organisers, and to fans—to rekindle their commitment to a genre that thrives on live performance and raw emotional energy. By fostering new talent and embracing the evolving dynamics of the music scene, the genre has the potential to find its way back to prominence, proving that its spirit is far from extinguished.

Article by Amelia Vandergast

The Serenity Club launched an attack of anthemic alt-rock reclamation with ‘Taking Back My Life’

The Serenity Club

With pop-fuelled alt-rock choruses that will be euphony to be the ears of the Foo Fighters between verses that reanimate rugged 90s Britpop swagger, The Serenity Club’s latest single, Taking Back My Life, is an unforgettably emboldening anthem of reclamation.

The high-octane synthesis of volition, redemption and serotonin is set to put the London-based triadic powerhouse on the map ahead of their debut five-track EP, Obsession Submission, which is due for release later this summer. The timely release of the single also means that it incidentally coincides with the General Election; I couldn’t think of a better track to listen to on the way to the polling station.

Hints of 90s-era Manic Street Preachers (think along the lines of Slash n Burn, You Love Us, and Kevin Carter) resound throughout the vivaciously fuelled guitar licks and the razor-sharp hooks that don’t stop at pulling you into the centre of this intensely liberating hit. They open the doorway to one of the most determined-to-embed earworms you’ve ever encountered as they work alongside the unflinchingly dynamic vocals of Mit Inajar.

With an exhilarating sound that Wembley Stadium could scarcely contain, The Serenity Club has exactly what it takes to take their career to stratospheric heights this summer; just try standing in their way.

Taking Back My Life will be available to stream on all major platforms, including Bandcamp, from June 28th.

Discover more about The Serenity Club via their official website.

Review by Amelia Vandergast

Deully – This Long Road: A Resilient Journey Through Rock and Recovery

Deully, the solo project of the independent Canadian rock virtuoso, Darren Sawrenko, has added to his accoladed discography by releasing his eagerly-awaited latest LP, This Long Road, and this time, his stellar songwriting stripes are bolstered by a lyrical intensity which provides a candour-fuelled exposition on his ongoing battle with mental health and recovery.

Each of the singles on the LP is a reflection of his psyche at the time of writing. The title single is entrenched in the agony and the glimpses of hope of acknowledging that the road to recovery necessitates fortitude and endurance. You can hear every ounce of the resilience mustered to stay on the long road, which is reflected as much through the fiery vocal performance as the visceral rock instrumentals.

The guitars don’t play; they battle cry through the monolithic hard rock production, giving everyone else walking the same, often lonely, road a sense of kinship and determination to keep moving towards the destination of redemption.

With This Long Road LP, Deully isn’t solely battling his own demons, he’s rebelling against the expectations and rock n roll cliches that lead so many down a toxically glamourised self-destructive path. In our book, he couldn’t be more of a rock icon.

This Long Road was officially released on April 12th; stream the single on Spotify.

Review by Amelia Vandergast

Morgana harrowed the psyche with their synthesis of emo, punk and grunge in ‘Two Broken People’

Sometimes two broken pieces come together to form a cohesive whole, but more often than not, the sharp idiosyncratic shards find a jarring way of exposing raw wounds. Far from your archetypal vignette of heartbreak, Morgana’s single, ‘Two Broken People (Make Hell Feel Like Home)’, approaches the narrative from a position of mutual position of imperfection. If you’re tired of black-and-white expositions of good and evil and want to find the fucked up fabric of the human psyche in sound, Morgana is a breath of non-dichotomous air.

With the visceral harmonies striking against the momentum in the rock chords as they dig deeper into the narrative and the drums deepening the tumultuous edge to the organically authentic single, Two Broken People is as affecting as the alt-90s hits from the likes of The Cranberries and Skunk Anansie. Through the grungy synthesis of punk and emo, the Kent-based trio, the single retains a signature that could only be scribed by the volition of Morgana.

Vocalist and guitarist Amy Morgan is a natural frontwoman. The mix of her expressive confidence and candid vulnerability ensures their singles don’t just resonate; they harrow the psyche. Dill Taskar (bass) and Tim Whittingham (drums) notably seem to feed off the fervour in her delivery to orchestrate a tight yet brashy riff-driven coalescence of chaos and cultivation.

Two Broken People will be available to stream from February 2nd; stream it on SoundCloud first.

Review by Amelia Vandergast

Duncan R Foley put the soul in sleaze (rock) with ‘You Better Rock and Roll’

Duncan R Foley’s latest single, You Better Rock and Roll, is an acknowledgement that, sometimes, there’s no better sugar for the pill of reality than a soulfully sleazy dose of rock and roll. Foley delivered the antidote to ennui within the expressively expansive release, which allows the shimmering overdriven rock chords to douse you in sonic salvation. Devoid of rock cliches but with all of the key cornerstones, the single is a remedy for rock monotony. There was no room for pretension in the vocals, just pure soulful energy, which comes alive through Foley’s determination to leave the world a better place with his talent.

The Belfast-residing artist brings a fresh vibrancy to the genre, infused with the spirit of his diverse musical journey from Zimbabwe to Johannesburg to the Emerald Isle. This track is a testament to his resilience and adaptability, echoing his mantra of pushing forward and making the most of every moment.

Production-wise, the track is a polished gem. Foley’s collaboration with Jonathan Shaw of Ibilion Studio brings a level of professionalism and finesse that elevates the song. The hypnotic bass track and solid backbeat create a foundation that allows the guitars to soar, resulting in a sound that’s seductive in its soulful sleaze.

With this release, Foley not only cements his place in the rock pantheon but also promises a future rich with sonic explorations and heartfelt expressions.

You Better Rock and Roll will hit the airwaves on January 19. Stream it on Spotify.

Review by Amelia Vandergast

Take a hit on The Glares’ latest mellowly mind-altering single, Cocaine Jane

If tracks could kill, we’d all be stone cold after The Glares’ latest single, Cocaine Jane; take a hit and get high on the nostalgically mellow melodies which prise influence from The Velvet Underground, The Rolling Stones, The Stone Roses, and the Stooges and shimmer through the affluence of pure unbridled soul filtered through a kaleidoscopic lens.

Even though the sonics conjure an altered state of mind more akin to an acid trip, the Edinburgh-based four-piece of twentysomethings succeeded in unleashing the best Columbian marching powder-themed single since Eric Clapton popularised the single, Cocaine, penned by J.J. Cale in 1976.

With plenty more releases in the pipeline for 2024 after the release of their sophomore single, there is ample scope for the success of The Glares. Their ability to sonically visualise a concept and submerge you in it so deeply you don’t care about coming up for air is unparalleled in the indie rock underground.

Cocaine Jane was officially released on December 1st and is now available to stream on Spotify.

Review by Amelia Vandergast

BONNE took rock to new emotional depths with their LP, execute


With the vocal lines resonating as a tour de force through the stylish rock reinvention, the standout single, Problems, from BONNE’s hotly anticipated LP, execute, the track is a hair-raising adrenaline shot to the heart. With as much reverence to rock as Joan Jett with beguiling Janis Joplin and Alanis Morrissette’s soul-driven vox, the monolithic melting pot is a soulfully pioneering juggenautical triumph.

Discovering a new sound is always an exhilarant experience, but when there is so much substance injected into the sonics, the experience becomes all the more gratifying. And there is no denying that the duo possesses an emotional depth that delves deeper than what the rock mould typically permits; by smashing through it with their authentic vulnerability, BONNE stepped away from the fray and veered towards unapologetic authenticity. With notes of Pixies, Muse, and Slowdive, within the virtuosic instrumentals, each new progression is a galvanising revelation.

By pouring the raw energy of 90s grunge and the catchy hooks of 80s rock into a future-proof production, the Iowa-hailing duo orchestrated an all-consuming aural experience that will grip you with its fiercely innovative gravitas.

Check out BONNE via their official website and Facebook.

Review by Amelia Vandergast

Tin Zelkova has unveiled their NSFW-sexy alt-rock single, Miss Mean Marcella

Sexy enough to be NSFW, Tin Zelkova’s latest debauchedly dark alt-rock single, Miss Mean Marcella, is another radio-ready slice of organically originated rock. It is quite the departure from the soulful sonics we last heard from the three-piece when our ears were candied with the standout single, Soul Shaker, from their debut eponymous LP.

But we were far from disappointed to be drenched in the slick swagger of Miss Mean Marcella, which paints a scintillating picture of the kind of femme fatale that would leave anyone weak at the knees. If the tale of the maleficent mistress doesn’t leave your libido hot under the collar, you might want to check if it still has vital signs. With the guitar lines as loaded as Velvet Revolver’s and the vocals clawing you into the narrative with every honeyed note, Miss Mean Marcella definitively deserves to be a chart-topper.

Miss Mean Marcella was officially released on April 8. Catch it on Spotify and YouTube.

Review by Amelia Vandergast

Joey Sherman sings the beatnik blues in his acoustic rock single, Moonlit Night

Moonlit Night is the seminal lo-fi acoustic rock single from the singer-songwriter, Joey Sherman, who needs little more than an acoustic guitar, his engrossingly assured vocal timbre and his beatnik lyrics that will easily appeal to any fans of Jack Kerouac and Bob Dylan.

As the ardent chords ring, Sherman transfuses Midwestern soul into the soundscape that may be rough around the edges, but it is still a shot to the heart for anyone who knows how it feels to constantly be rebuilding themselves from the ashes of their former lives with scant foresight over which path to push forward on at the crossroads.

Moonlit Night is now available to stream on YouTube.

Follow Joey Sherman on Facebook.

Review by Amelia Vandergast