Mollie Jay – Brand New: The Revolution of Repetition

Brand New is the debut track from Mollie Jay, a rhythmically stylish Urban EDM artist from Washington DC, the title track is a cutting-edge mix from her latest album dropped in December 2017 featuring the notorious rapper Benjah. With no room for repetition, this track bounces between various audiophile delights.

Whilst Mollie Jay can definitely stand on her own two feet in her urban mixes, Benjah’s harsh lyrical sensibility really kicks this track into focus before it slams into verse going from a pretty ambient mix into something Mary J Blige would consider raucous.

Brand New gave me an infamous amount of respect for Mollie Jay’s music, the beat is lit, with drops that will separate you from your stomach for at least a minute. Within its HIP Hop EDM sound, the track incorporates pounding instrumentals over the backing track with almost no element of repetition of this track. Each verse runs with a completely different flow, it’s edgy unpredictability is definitely one of the highlights of the track put against Jay’s enviable vocal range and the amount of styles she mixes into the four-minute track.

You can check out Brand New on Soundcloud using the link below:

-Amelia Vandergast.

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