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your true love

Not Afraid: Ozzie Aguilera keeps things romantic on your true love

With a passionately radiant energy to burn right through all the small-minded haters, Ozzie Aguilera senses that this is the moment to stand up tall and see where the night shall lead on your true love.

Ozzie Aguilera is an Oklahoma City, USA-based indie dreamy pop singer-songwriter, entrepreneur and makeup enthusiast who composes music to inspire us all.

I make music with the intention to heal from my traumas. I try not to focus too much on the business side of it all, because as of right now I don’t create to please others. Having a difficult love life inspires my writing a lot, and loving someone who will never love me back has helped me learn so much about myself.” ~ Ozzie Aguilera showing us deep within the vision

With a silky charm that will surely make even the most grumpy smile, Ozzie Aguilera is rather illuminating and shows us an intense desire to remember on a delightful track to play loud all evening with that special human.

your true love from Oklahoma City, USA-based indie pop singer-songwriter Ozzie Aguilera is a genre-less gem from a creative who likes to shine brightest when it truly matters. Sung with refreshing honesty and intertwined into a bow of brilliance, this is a single for anyone who might be slightly afraid to love wholeheartedly again.

Hear this new single on Spotify and see more via IG.

Reviewed by Llewelyn Screen