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IDN synthesised an electrifying electronica hybrid in his sophomore LP, Voyager

IDN’s LP “Voyager” is an electrifying escapade into a realm where electronica melds with a kaleidoscope of genres. Each of the 14 tracks on this LP is a crucial fragment of an intricate cosmic voyage, transcending the norms of conventional electronica with audacious flair.

IDN, an LA-based queer Iranian-American polymath, infuses his diverse inspirations – from video games to sci-fi and psychedelia – into a groundbreaking sound. This LP is a unified interstellar journey, which pulses with life, intertwining industrial, dub, and psytrance into a hybrid tapestry of sound.

The genius of “Voyager” lies in its seamless blend of hi-fi sophistication and lo-fi rawness. This juxtaposition creates a soundscape that feels both futuristic and deeply rooted. With glitchy breakbeats and dub-infused electronic twists leading the listener through a labyrinth of auditory discovery, you will want to grab your passport to the 5th dimension before delving in.

The Voyager LP landed on January 12; embark on it via Spotify.

Review by Amelia Vandergast