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Van Den Wolfe

Van Den Wolfe’s ‘My Love is Calling’ Is Seriously Funky!

Every generation gets to experience the amazing music of their youth and then gaze in horror at the strange expressions of those that come after. Everyone wants to know what comes next, but they also fear the changes that may occur. Van Den Wolfe is among those who understand the truth: music is not linear. Trends may come and go, but expression is timeless and there’s no reason to ever abandon a style that can ring infinitely through our society.

My Love is Calling is a track that may take some people back to the clubs they used to dance in. They remember their clothes, their hair, their friends and loved ones. But this isn’t a track they’ve heard before. The nostalgia for the time may be evoked, but this is a song that has every bit as much to deliver to those inexperienced in the ways of funk and disco. This song is a perfect gateway to realizing that music is for everyone and that a little soul can go a long way. Get your shoes, we’re going dancing!