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Utrecht Music Events

Windstil, the sound of two worlds colliding beautifully

If this is the sound that is created when the Old World meets the New, then it really needs to happen more often. Windstil is the result of American Mid-West cool meeting European sophistication, a delicate blend of trip-hop beats and ambient electronica, of space and sound, of jazz eclecticism and pop minimalism. The result is a joyous, slick and laidback song, as they themselves state, “one foot on the ground and one hand in the sky,” which is the perfect summary of the music they create.

Their latest song remembertouch expertly balances ambient washes with melancholic electronica (melantronic?) haunted, lucid dreamscapes with noirish, post-pop depth, neon futurism with subdued and ancient primal undercurrents and warped dance floor heartbeats with cinematic grandeur. Anyone who can do that all in the space of five minutes is someone you need to keep on your musical radar.