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U Aint Mine

No Time: Swiss trap artist RONI wonders why people are so close-minded on ‘U Aint Mine’

With his first single in over one year as he recreated his sound and took time to take stock of his career up until now, RONI returns with a truly inspirational comeback track all about eloquently articulating what you want and don’t want with ‘U Aint Mine‘.

RONI is a Swiss indie trap rapper and music producer who makes a remarkable blend of speaker-catchy vibes that has your heart shaking with enthusiasm.

RONI shows us what we have been missing out on with his latest smoothly pitched single. There is so much fire in his belly when he raps, as we sit back and let him take us on a ride to that much-awaited self-enlightened state.

U Aint Mine‘ from the majestic Swiss indie trap rapper and music producer RONI, is a sizzling track all about opening up your eyes to your own visualizations. With so many people walking around like sheep just accepting whatever is said, this is an honest track that has been made with a true purpose to help the world. Rapped with intent like no other song you will hear this year, this is a real concious-seeking effort from an artist on a mission to be heard in this rather noisy world.

Hear this terrific new single on Spotify and see more on IG.

Reviewed by Llewelyn Screen