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Tomorrow’s Too Late

Buried Underneath: City of Lions will be our guide on Tomorrow’s Too Late (ft. Joel Piper and Hyperschmitt)

Refusing to let us run away when we are scared and sensing that everything is lost, City of Lions shows us where that ever-lasting light is on Tomorrow’s Too Late (ft. Joel Piper and Hyperschmitt).

City of Lions aka Chad Nathaniel Smith is a UK-based alternative pop-rock artist who skillfully makes those anthem-sounding singles that shall awaken your sleepy soul.

I have put my everything into independently creating this art. Please help me get the word out. I have seen people’s life changed by music and I want to help more people.” ~ Chad Nathaniel Smith

Assisting the world with a rare strength that shall set you free and show you where our mentalities should be headed, City of Lions, Joel Piper and Hyperschmitt combine like fine wine on a glorious track that only has good intentions. Flowing with a pure message and urging us to hold those who need it most, this might be an experience that will open up your eyes to what is really important.

Tomorrow’s Too Late (ft. Joel Piper and Hyperschmitt) from UK-based alternative pop-rock artist City of Lions is a song for anyone who needs a holding hand. In a cruel world with so much trauma, an anthem of unity is on the cards via a rather quality single. This is a special song that soars so high and seems to grab the clouds above, to give us a soft landing when we fall over.

Sung with a massive passion and an ear-tingling aura, this is a top release when the world needed it most.

Listen up to this fine song on Spotify and see more via the IG page.

Reviewed by Llewelyn Screen