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Tim Miscavage

Tim Miscavage ethereally distorted grungy indie rock in his latest standout single, All the Work

Tim Miscavage’s latest single, All the Work, is an intoxicating foray into the realm of introspective rock, where Miscavage not only writes and performs every element but also infuses his music with a raw, authentic energy.

The single begins with a hauntingly ethereal distortion which brings swathes of quiescence to Korn’s iconic Freak on a Leash basslines. However, Miscavage takes this inspiration and transforms it, weaving ambience and contemplation into the song’s fabric. The result is a piece that is both reflective and lamenting, yet undeniably gripping.

What sets All the Work apart is its ability to gently persuade the listener, drawing them into its depths without overwhelming force. This subtlety is the antithesis of the rock tracks that have evidently inspired Miscavage, yet it’s this very contrast that makes the song so affecting. The track doesn’t just play; it breathes and evolves, taking the listener through its layered composition.

His vocals, too, are a standout feature. They convey a sense of earnestness and vulnerability that is rare in today’s music scene, further enhancing the introspective nature of the track. The production is equally commendable. It strikes a perfect balance between clarity and distortion, allowing each element to be appreciated without losing the raw, unpolished edge that gives the track its character.

All the Work was officially released on December 5th; stream it on SoundCloud.

Review by Amelia Vandergast