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The Landscape of Denial

Hold Your Ground: Downcutting Streams uncovers those fears forever on The Landscape of Denial

With an assortment of breathless sounds to be enchanted by, Downcutting Streams returns with an ear-piercing single to be completely enchanted by on The Landscape of Denial.

Downcutting Streams is a location hidden indie alternative project that features some of the most exquisite vocals you’re likely to ever hear.

Inspired by moral dilemmas I see in the world, as I fancy myself a good observer, I wrote the lyrics which, if you look closer, you can recall your own situations you’ve had, have or will face.” ~ Downcutting Streams

Featuring the calming flute, the well-performed guitar and that stunningly healing piano, Downcutting Streams has unquestionably created one of the more fascinating underground songs to swim into our earlobes this year.

The Landscape of Denial from indie alternative project Downcutting Streams is an experience that is hard to explain unless you have been inside this whirlpool of wonder with the volume on max. Sung with a heartfelt meaning and with an intricately mesmerizing style that could shock all senses awake, this is a noteworthy effort indeed.

See this dynamic video on YouTube and see more on her IG.

Reviewed by Llewelyn Screen