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The Edge

Bruj pushed funk into psychedelically interstellar waters with ‘The Edge’

Bruj’s latest single, The Edge, is an interstellar escapade that melds funk, electro, soul, and pop into an exhilarating synthesis which will juxtaposingly sink your senses into catharsis.

From the energetic pulse of choppy funky staccato guitars to the unwavering force of steady percussion and snaking basslines, this track offers more than just sound—it crafts a visceral experience. Listeners are whisked away into a psychedelic nirvana, enveloped in the hypnotically exotic warmth that distinguishes Bruj’s sonic approach.

Originating from Brussels, the trio—Antoine, Simon, and Raphaël—have honed their collective expertise since 2014, refining their influences into scintillating, soul-affirming auditory narratives. Since their transformation in 2022 into original composers, their music has assumed a fresh dimension of creative freedom, evidently showcased in this release.

The Edge excels in its ability to transport its audience far beyond the constraints of material reality. When immersed in rich pools of tonal bliss, you’ll instantly succumb to the grooves which testify to Bruj’s ability to craft experiences beyond the borders most artists are willing to take their sound.

The Edge dropped on April 15th; stream the single on Spotify.

Review by Amelia Vandergast