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The Call

2077: Berlin’s Mezolozyde follows The Call and escapes from the dark forces

With a rather fascinating energy which will either stun or inspirit many, Mezolozyde sends our spines into shiver overload on the superb new single to turn up loud, The Call.

Mezolozyde is a Berlin, Germany-based indie alternative industrial rock project who slices massive holes into unassuming ears with a heavy presence.

The Call” is the name of the second single and builds on Mezolozyde’s first video clip. Connecting stories and elements taken from the lyrics, it reveals a futuristic and dystopian version of Berlin in the year 2077. Introducing a potential villain, a mysterious woman, the viewer notices that EzZe is being chased. They then travel with him through the hidden parts of this dark gritty future Berlin while at the same time taking in its glamorous and flashing facade. Once again the music video is directed by Martin Pedreira.” ~ Mezolozyde

Shaking our core and taking things into a movie-like experience, Mezolozyde shows us deep into the German mindset and navigates us into a rather scary and controlling world.

The Call from Berlin, Germany-based indie alternative industrial rock act Mezolozyde is a scintillating sizzler which might awaken those sleepy eyes to see the truth. Giving us a rather thrilling track to be amazed at, this is a look into the future. A scary look too. An exploration into what is possible. A reality check for anyone who hasn’t seen the evil which is possible, if wickedness wins.

Slam your ears in something different on Spotify.

Reviewed by Llewelyn Screen