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The Cakepop Song

Azure Kai strikes again with her illustriously authentic single, The Cakepop Song

Azure Kai cranked up the creativity in her latest imaginatively narrative release, The Cakepop Song; if anyone deserves to be revered as the Frank Zappa of this era, it is her with her quaintly endearing vignettes and visionary melodies.

80s-esque soul resounds in the atmosphere of the off-the-cuff alt-pop track that portrays the maladies of a middle school student being snubbed by his crush around the soaring Prince-reminiscent guitar solos and the crescendos that are just as consuming as the ones orchestrated by Queen.

Finding the perfect balance between theatrics and contemporary pop panache, Azure Kai effortlessly succeeded in spinning yet another superlatively synthesised tale that reaches the pinnacle of escapism music. We can’t wait to hear what follows as the Monmouth University student progresses through what is set to be an illustriously authentic career.

The Cakepop Song is now available to stream on Spotify.

Review by Amelia Vandergast