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Suffolk Singer Songwriter

Millie Kirkpatrick spoke for us all with her disdain of flattering fallacies in her latest single, Lies

Suffolk-born singer-songwriter Millie Kirkpatrick is heartrate-quickeningly sensational on her melodious triumph of an indie-pop single, Lies. Lotharios with an aversion to truthful sentiments be damned in the revelation of an easy-chord-driven vignette of a protagonist that has reached their limit of endurance with flattering fallacy.

The simple yet razor-sharp hooks establish Lies as a song that you’ll hum along to on the radio until the emboldening lyrics tattoo themselves in your mind and become as much of a permanent fixture in your temporal lobe as the melodies that apply a sensuous touch to all of your senses while the progressions are in motion.

It is only a matter of time until Millie Kirkpatrick becomes infamous outside of the local Suffolk scene. She’s already well on her way after gaining support from BBC Introducing. Watch this space.

Lies hit the airwaves on July 21st; stream it on Spotify.

Review by Amelia Vandergast