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Stylish Bars

That Fashionable Essence: London’s Harun Rune keeps it smooth on ‘Moschino’

Produced by Sekko and taken off his debut ‘Gold‘ project, Harun Rune shows us that music and fashion mixes so well when you have your loyal crew with you and the champagne on ice with ‘Moschino’.

Harun Rune is a fashion-fueled indie hip-hop artist from London, England. He fuses a blend of stylish bars that features a jazzy flavoring of introspection for us to enjoy.

This is the story of blending your passions all together and eating tasty servings that you can’t pronounce, as you care less about that, and more about how good it feels in your hungry palate. His melodic rhythms which also never forget his street-mentality – has you in awe with a track which certainly changes the usual script we have grown tired of – displaying his ever-evolving philosophy, to being at the front of the pack when the tide changes.

Moschino’ from the London, England-based rapper Harun Rune, is a style-laced track which has him on top form here with his signature smooth charm and simmering bars. He has us bouncing our heads around on this quick-fire freestyle type listen, which is a song to chill with late at night. Hip-hop is a genre that is re-inventing itself underground currently after being copied so much, as the freshness here has you thinking of new ways to do things your way.

Purposeful originality is always key to unlocking that classy opportunity you really want after all.

See this new fully flowed music video on YouTube and check out his IG to see how his career unfolds.

Reviewed by Llewelyn Screen