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Marshall Stannus lusts for love but not yet on indie-pop ”Friends”

After reviewing ”Springbreakers”, ”Euphoria” and now ”Friends”, Australian indie rapper-singer Marshall Stannus rolls in with next track and 3rd single of 2020.

The mysteriously brilliant Melbourne artist is certainly bringing out some quality content during these covid-19 times. Music is flowing and this is up there with his best songs so far. His vocal delivery and hard-hitting style that catches your attention is back.

Friends” finds Marshall in a good place for a while before we are lowered into the story of wanting to be friends but also needing that alone time. This is a new artist inside as realizes that this is his path and if something is in the way, he needs to let go and grow. Inside however, you keep looking at your phone thinking briefly if it was the right decision.

Melbourne, Australia Indie rapper-singer Marshall Stannus brings his a-game on this Hip Hop crunched beat ”Friends” that is an excellent track from the Australian performer on the rise.

Stream this new song here on Soundcloud.

Reviewed by Llewelyn Screen

”Springbreakers” is a tale of misspent youth from Marshall Stannus

Getting caught up in the party scene and seeing it right in your face is a fun time with life-altering memories, all the good times seem to last forever and caring about too much seems pointless in the moment. When you finally face the facts however, reality smacks your mind harshly and hits you solid in the face like a Mike Tyson knockout punch.

Marshall Stannus shows passion in his lyrical delivery and youthfully crafts a memorable new track called ”Springbreakers” that will relate to many out there who have taken it a bit too far.

I love the beat in this song, it teases you in the beginning and has the rough vinyl cut, before launching into melody with the voice and rhymes of a future star who is now ready for his big moment to shine.

The Melbourne, Australia native Marshall Stannus raps through a vivid lens that has captured the picture of youth perfectly but painfully. ”Springbreakers” is such an underrated track that takes you on a reflective journey of wild parties that never seem to end. When they do however, the crash and the emotional funk afterwards is very real.

Get this song into your ears now on SoundCloud.

Review by Llewelyn Screen