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Soulfully Advanced

Free From Pain: Robbie Vonn just wants to be happy on ‘If I’ (feat. Juliet Lyons)

Sung with such a lusciously elegant style that has your beating heart in quite the flutter as you look back at your own adventures in the past, Robbie Vonn has us reaching for the window to see the beauty in the world that can be hidden by so much darkness on ‘If I(feat. Juliet Lyons).

Robbie Vonn is a soulfully advanced American indie-pop solo artist who performs with a world-class attitude and supremely glorious ambience.

His fine music creations seem to have a rare gift that has you looking for the bright light which wants to find you, that comes after all the sadness from before. There is so much to like about a breathtaking song that packs an honest punch – filling your curious mind with engaging ideas – on how to separate away from whatever is holding you back on fully expressing yourself.

Robbie Vonn, in a simple and elegant way; makes life, loss, and love tangible in his visionary pop sound.” ~ Robbie Vonn

If I(feat. Juliet Lyons) from the always-evolving American indie-pop solo musician Robbie Vonn, is such a quality song that is easy to get lost in. His stylish range of skills comes through on each second projected here, which is only strengthened by a stunning air of class from an enlightened singer who is as sensationally appealing as they come. A truly top-notch effort is in store for your ravenous ears to consume greedily, as you close your eyes and imagine what is actually possible if you get out of your own head.

Hear this refreshing new single via Spotify and see more via the IG music page.

Reviewed by Llewelyn Screen