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Samuel Ashton

Samuel Ashton – Breathe Easy: Meet Your New Favourite Soul Serenader.

Samuel Ashton

Samuel Ashton’s latest single, Breathe Easy, is definitive proof that people who say they don’t make music like they used to are as ignorant as they are apathetic in their searches for diamonds in the commercial rough.

Breathe Easy is the ultimate soul-blues serenade between the jazzy, mellifluous ambience in the instrumentals and the timeless vocal panache. Ashton’s vocal notes effervesce with passion while trying to instil tranquillity; his sound is practically ASMR. In our disquiet reality, he really is a breath of fresh air (pun semi-intended).

Breathe Easy is due for official release on November 25th. You can check it out for yourselves on SoundCloud.

Review by Amelia Vandergast