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rp.scheno – Nothing’s Changed: A Sonic Odyssey of Ethereal Electronica

Few artists manage to captivate and intrigue as effectively as rp.scheno. His latest single, Nothing’s Changed, is a testament to his unique ability to blend soulful electronica into a dreamy, almost otherworldly soundscape. Born in New York and now based in Atlanta, GA, rp.scheno’s international background in language and history seeps into his music, creating a tapestry of sounds that are as globally conscious as they are innovative.

Nothing’s Changed is a masterful blend of deep bass and horn stabs that filter through the track, creating a rich, immersive experience. The song is built around glitchy motifs that add a futuristic edge, yet it remains grounded in authenticity. This balance is a hallmark of rp.scheno’s style is particularly evident in his debut EP,, where he explores a myriad of electronic genres with distinctive flair.

What sets this track apart is the intoxicating juxtaposition of its elements. The ethereal soft colours worked into the production provide a stark contrast to the impassioned confessionalism within the lyricism. It’s a bold move that pays off, offering listeners a multi-layered auditory experience.

rp.scheno’s approach to music production is refreshingly unique. Eschewing traditional instruments and percussive elements, he opts for self-designed or newly warped sounds. This innovative spirit is palpable in Nothing’s Changed, where every beat and synth line feels meticulously crafted and purposeful.

With his unique blend of Y2K sounds, hyperpop beats, and digital spaciness, rp.scheno is not just an artist to watch; he’s a musical innovator leading the charge into a new era of electronica.

Nothing’s Changed hit the airwaves on November 30; stream it on YouTube.

Review by Amelia Vandergast