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Rodney Paz

Is This Hell: Dublin’s Rodney Paz looks for more meaning away from the mundane on ‘sWITCH mY iFs 4 wHENS’

With his 9th single already of 2021, the prolific Rodney Paz returns with his ‘Get mint or die schemin’ style on the latest single all about making the most out of a tough situation with ‘sWITCH mY iFs 4 wHENS‘.

Rodney Paz is a Dublin, Ireland-based indie underground hip-hop artist and custard creme enthusiast. He is a highly creative soul who makes a different blend of music to most, as his smartly penned and unorthodox lyrics takes you to a world away from the normal bore.

After turning his cabin into an intergalactic spaceship through the means of some magical fungus, Paz has now found a new domain of expression through his musical output.” ~ Rodney Paz

Rodney seems to possess that extra life inside his beating heart which most of us mere mortal lack, his mind races quickly and works faster as he puts ideas into wild stories of the world. Real life has hit him hard and he feels like he is on the canvas – waiting and looking for that hand to help him up – and take him somewhere he can be at full capacity.

The flow here is an impressive listen, the underdog mentality is in full swing and he raps with such meaning and true honesty. His voice is calm and rather reflective, each sentence is a layer into his story that fills him with dread each time he wakes up. The search for that true purpose is real, as he wonders when this boredom is going to end.

sWITCH mY iFs 4 wHENS‘ from the Dublin, Ireland-based rapper Rodney Paz, is a street-filled track all about surviving each day. Your job crushes your soul into little tiny invisible pieces and you wish there was more for you, but right now you need to pay rent. With the landlord looming like a bright light in the night, this is what you have in store so you might as well just keep at it and learn something. For now that is. Until you can escape and be who you want to be, away from the 9-5 that has you spinning like a lost bottle in the wind.

Hear this new track on Spotify and see more of his exciting adventures via the IG music page.

Reviewed by Llewelyn Screen