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Ricard Magnusson

That Late Night Cruise: Wheel drives through the temptation-filled streets on ‘Numeral’

Returning with a hypnotizing new single to show us into the quick-moving streets, Wheel turns the engine on to move us into a night-filled sky that has so much opportunity inside it on ‘Numeral‘.

Wheel is alias of the well-known Swedish electronic music producer and artist Ricard Magnusson. He makes a magnetic blend of ear-glowing sounds that washes away all those pesky self-doubts.

He has made music for adverts (Swedish supercar manufacturer Koenigsegg among others), done remix work for high-profile artists like Barry Adamson, and also produces his own material.” ~ Wheel

Gushing with quality like a tap which is overflowing with fresh water, this is a tremendously intriging track from a highly skilled producer. Featuring a fueled-up single that is sizzling with rubber spinning electricity, you feel like you are in a Fast and the Furious movie with Vin Diesel and ready for any adventure that awaits.

Numeral‘ from the classy Swedish music producer Wheel, is a midnight cruise single for when you are speeding into those temptation-packed streets – which can either bring you back in tune for where you need to go – or tempt you onto a path which you should rather avoid altogether. The beat is rather mysterious and you feel like you need to head outside, to remind yourself of what is truly out there if you look deeply enough for the answers.

Check out this new single on Spotify and see more via the IG music page.

Reviewed by Llewelyn Screen