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R&B Neo-Soul

Experimental R&B Neo-Soul Artist Ilton Makes Their Debut with Single “Going Up”

Up and coming recording artist Ilton has recently made his debut with the single “Going Up”, the prelude may be slightly ethereally eerie, but once the single kicks into verse, you won’t have to wait long before being immersed in a soulful mix. The slow tempo of Going Up moves at a tentative pace, yet, the sound is filled by the overwhelmingly rich arrangement of the multi-layered beat.

You’ll have the pleasure of getting lost in a mix of lush reverb, solidly structured bass lines and powerful vocal harmonies. Ilton borrows from a myriad of different genres, orchestrating a sonorous ballad full of evocative emotion which doesn’t brashly command attentivity, instead, Going Up invites you to gently slip into the soundscape. To describe Going Up as captivating almost feels like an understatement, there really is no exaggerating the atmospheric nature of this single.

You can check out Ilton’s debut single Going Up for yourselves by heading over to Spotify now.

Review by Amelia Vandergast