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Ray Ramon

Two needed to tango: Ray Ramon is back with the catchy ‘What Do You Mean’ (ft. Morgan McElhone)

With smooth vocals and a glint of the eye, Ray Ramon returns with the exciting dance-filled new single ‘What Do You Mean‘ (ft. Morgan McElhone).

Ray Ramon is a strong-voiced Nigerian-born, Australian-based indie singer-songwriter/EDM artist and he is joined by the emerging Australian dancer, model and singer Morgan McElhone. Together they form a tremendous team that show their chemistry with a grooving new single, that keeps you captivated and wanting more.

“What do you mean is a song about unrequited love. A one-sided kind of love and knowing when to draw the boundary between love and lust.”- Ray Ramon

This is the story about a one sided love, that as much as you want it to be true, probably isn’t ever going to happen as you need two birds to make a nest in life.

They sing with passionate energy as both are supremely talented artists and mesh well here for a fresh new single that will have you fascinated and trying out your own dance moves, to see if they are up to scratch.

What Do You Mean‘ (ft. Morgan McElhone) is a crush-filled indie r&b fusion of sweet sounds that shows you that sometimes, two people can’t be together unless you both have that burning desire inside to burn bright, with the class to realize that, so you can move on and find your perfect soul.

Hear this hot new single on YouTube and see his IG for more news.

Reviewed by Llewelyn Screen