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Queer Anthem

Marc Ambrosia has debuted his electrifying country-pop-rock reclamation, Gay and Proud

With all the hate that has been spilt across the internet during Pride Month, Marc Ambrosia’s latest country-rock anthem, Gay and Proud, is an electrifyingly seminal release which celebrates his identity after keeping it hidden for twenty years.

With tinges to Against Me! in the strident vocal lines and some of the guitar work, the country-pop rock hit is a fiery reclamation, one that will instil the same sense of pride in every listener who also happens to fly under the rainbow flag. Despite alluding to the dark days that paved the way towards recording the single, Ambrosia kept the vibes high while delivering a fistful of resonance for his audience.

“I’ve known I was gay since I was eight years old. Despite that, I never in a million years would have thought I’d be able to admit that to anyone, let alone publicly. For so long, I felt rage, shame, and fear. I was so angry that I just couldn’t be “normal;” I felt ashamed that I couldn’t change myself, and I felt so afraid that someone might find out my secret. It took me twenty years to not only say I’m gay out loud, but also to accept that about myself and love that about myself.”

Gay and Proud is the title single from Ambrosia’s upcoming studio album, which promises to carry the same themes of overcoming self-hate and moving towards self-love, acceptance and peace.

Gay and Proud will hit the airwaves on June 23rd. Stream it on SoundCloud.

Review by Amelia Vandergast

If It Bothers You: Alien Al and the Juperoids ride inside the hot beat on Queer Anthem

Wondering what the vibe is and mounting the ride just at the right time, Alien Al and the Juperoids open up our minds with the authentic single which will make many eager and others totally flabbergasted with the Queer Anthem.

Alien Al and the Juperoids is a high-tempo indie pop/electronic band that loves to take charge of the moment and make some delightfully punchy and fun music to hold hands with during those frigid nights.

Known best for their massive debut single called Probe, Alien Al and the Juperoids are in shirt-tearing form and shall startle many birds with this exhilarating anthem for those who are looking for new heroes to believe in. Conducted by their fearless leader Alyx Nazir, this is a stomach healing track to munch on rather merrily.

Queer Anthem from the thrilling pop/electronic band Alien Al and the Juperoids is the kind of song that could inspire anxious humans to express themselves. In a world that often judges without knowledge, this is a reminder that music with substance is always welcome.

Hear this proud new single on YouTube.

See more of the vision on IG.

Reviewed by Llewelyn Screen