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The Wheels They Keep On Turning: Socha looks deeply at the flusters of the moon on EVERYTHING’S IN MOTION

Worrying about the changing winds and what it’s doing for her sensitive soul, Socha drops a magnificent single packed with creative quality for the betterment of humankind on the quite sublime on her first of 5 singles for the year, EVERYTHING’S IN MOTION.

Socha (so-kuh) is a feminine empowerment-inspired Brooklyn, USA-based indie alt-pop dance powerhouse that makes the kind of music which could change the perception of those who enter inside this wonderful whirlwind.

Just as her name reorders to spell “chaos,” Socha seeks to rearrange painful human experiences into playfulness and compassion. Her sound is characterized by warm synth hugs, vibrant compositions, and lush vocal effects that could be their own cartoon characters.” ~ Socha

Displaying something rather mesmerizing and utterly spellbinding, Socha drops quite the outstanding track which will give so many goosebumps to us all in places which have been barren for years. This is a special song with an extraordinary aura to relieve all worries away in just a few minutes.

EVERYTHING’S IN MOTION from Brooklyn, USA-based indie alt-pop dance act Socha is one of the most ear-healing anthems possible in 2023 so far. The electric edge is what makes this stand out as a stomach-warming water bottle, which seems to keep the chilly cold away no matter the weather.

This is class personified, just when we needed it most.

Listen up to more on Spotify.

Reviewed by Llewelyn Screen