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playschool recording tape player

Interview: LA’s Lee Adrian drops new blaze-filled single High

Dropping a new track for us to get High inside as its release occurs today, we sat down with the street-wise Lee Adrian to chat more about his career so far and what it takes to survive. Starting off with a playschool recording tape player thanks to his Mom, we find a valiant soul who is ready for anything in life.

Where in the world are you located currently and what would you recommend as a healthy meal?

Lee: I am located in Los Angeles, Ca and my healthy meal of choice would be a nice honey-glazed salmon with asparagus and red potatoes.

What was it like growing up in Houston’s not-so-friendly 5th ward?

Lee: Quick and right to the point huh? Houston has its parts like many other cities in the world. 5th ward is one of those places that most people don’t make it past a certain age. I’ve seen many things in and out of the hood like my mom laying us on the ground at night to avoid any stray bullets in the night to taking the trash out to see a dead body in the dumpster.

How did you get into music and what was the spark that lit your whole career?

Lee: From what I can remember my mom bought me a playschool recording tape player and said that I couldn’t put it down. I took the thing with me everywhere and played nothing but Hip Hop. I would honestly say that my cousin Iman got me into hip hop because she was a bigger fan than myself. I never thought of myself as a rapper before and I wanted to do what she did cause I thought it was cool. A girl rapping and singing at her age was good too? We formed a group and the rest is history.

Please tell us more about your new release which drops on the 6th March, High?

Lee: Man, High has a vibe that will elevate you for sure. It touches on the topic of how I feel before, during , and after I light one up. I get into this creative bag filled with positivity and humbleness. Like you know you the hottest thing since sliced bread but you have to be nice about it? It touches on the way women make me feel, how you can get high off life and love.

Who inspires you to be the best at whatever you do?

Lee: My inspiration stems from me. I put the work in, I get the results. As long as I keep God first and apply the work then that’s all that matters. Because at the end of the day, I make myself happy.

What is the best piece of advice you’ve ever been given?

Lee: I live by the quote, “Expect Nothing Appreciate Everything”. Meaning don’t live to much in the past or future, live in the moment and enjoy your journey.

Are there any dope music spots in your local area we should check out?

Lee: Nomadics Studios is a co-working event space in North Hollywood. Studio time, Podcast Rooms and Air Bnb. You can find them on instagram @nomadicstudios.

Last, what are your goals for the rest of 2023?

Lee: I encourage everybody to keep a journal, write their intentions down, manifest what their individual goals are and keep it to themselves. God knows what I want and I can’t wait for you guys to see what’s in store.

Listen up on Spotify.

Reviewed by Llewelyn Screen