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Feeling With You: Pastel Jungle wants that love ‘Overdose’

As the mellow energies transforms your mood with a loving and natural state of mind, Pastel Jungle kindly provide us with one of the best songs of the year so far with ‘Overdose‘.

Pastel Jungle is a UK-based two-piece collective, who cleverly fuse indie-disco with fresh funky rhythms intertwined into this catchy creation, to send us a pulsating feeling of relief into our tired bodies.

They make that genuine vibe that you can’t teach, as they are born with that authentic mindset of keeping it groovy cool. With Kees Phillips on vocals and keys, plus Julius Alcantara on guitar and bass, these two friends have morphed into a duo that keep the music tasting so good in your hungry palate, as they seem to have lots of fun combining forces too.

This is the story of feeling so close to your special soul who truly makes you happy inside, as your stomach twists up and you just know this is the heartbeat you have desired for so long.

The pureness of this indie-disco track has some soothing vocals that bubble into your mind like when you are soaked into a hot bubble bath that is relaxing you all over. The mesmerizing tone has your body in raptures and you just can’t seem to get enough.

Overdose‘ from the hypnotizing UK-based act Pastel Jungle, is a superb track that is up there in terms of overall presentation and a sound that gets it all right. This is the type of song to play with your lover, as you gaze into each others eyes and wish that your time together would last forever.

Stream this new track on Spotify and check out the IG for more news.

Reviewed by Llewelyn Screen

RealFlexxin takes his 2nd chance with ”Right or Wrong”

Right or Wrong” is about being supported when you are doing everything right and if you would still support as passionately, when that same person is at his worst? This is the ultimate question from singer & emcee RealFlexxin on his debut track, does he still have the backing of his friends, family and fans during the good and bad moments.

With a dark and moody feel, this song will put you in a different vibe, the production is so well done and it feels like a song from a 90’s movie.

With a sad intro all about self-isolation, this is a deep track that is full of drug overdose & alcohol influences, a habit that is sure hard to kick. Luckily, music heals and this R&B and Hip Hop grimy beat, blends perfectly with the picture of this song.

The troubled Realflexxin is doing his best to eliminate those pesky demons on “Right or Wrong” and being alone is not a good thing for this gifted performer. He paints his life picture about drinking, drugs, and lost friends with expert ability and we hope that he finds the support around him to help him carry on his fine music career.

Stream RealFlexxin right here on his Spotify channel.

Reviewed by Llewelyn Screen