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November Criminal

Ride the funk-soaked tilt-a-whirl that is November Criminal’s latest alt-hip-hop single, Bouncing Back

Psych Rock and Hip-Hop rendezvoused around monocultural mould-smashing funk flavours and orchestral motifs in the latest standout feat of elevated experimentalism from the alternative multi-instrumentalist and producer November Criminal.

His latest album, Scrambled Eggs Vol. III, puts the assumption that out-there innovation always has to smack with pretension to bed and tucked it up tight in the groove pockets in the lead single, Bouncing Back.

Depicting it through words alone could never do the exhilarating aura justice; from the first progression, you will feel your mood rise with the ever-ascending notes that reach the pinnacle of high-vibe hip hop. In my book, not all too many experimental artists can stand against the creative tenacity of Mike Patton; November Criminal is enough to make even his most Avant-Garde creations resonate as pedestrian. Frankly, I’m obsessed and entirely convinced anyone with a functional soul will be too.

Check out the latest album from November Criminal via Spotify.

Review by Amelia Vandergast