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Misfit Toys

Toying With the Past

Fans of the 1980’s Washington DC punk rock scene will be thrilled to know that area legends, Misfit Toys have regrouped to record previously unreleased songs. For those wanting to relive the electric days of underground pop and alternative music, or if you’re still craving that yesteryear nostalgia, the track “Stop and Fade Away,” is a must.

Guitars playing an attitude-line opens the song, then changing into chugging chords in happily predictable changes maintains the rhythm section for the rest of the track. The vocalist, (Ukrainian borne) Victory Vizhanska is more than apt in her lead-singer position with just the right amount of sass in her voice to complement the song’s edge. Overall, for fans of the Go-Go’s or Blondie, Misfit-Toys is a welcome sound. It’s like an upbeat anthem we can all bop to while enjoying time in an arcade or roller-rink.

This group really is a wellspring of fascinating DC-Local-Band information, and for those interested in this peculiar niche, hopping over to their website at is highly advised. There they have interviews with each of the band-mates, quite a bit of history. And of course, a page with links to a host of music videos.