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Mid Ground

Transcend with the jazzy grooves in Mid Ground’s latest single, Peace in the Sky

Mid Ground

‘Peace in the Sky’, featuring vocalist, Ellen Mara, is easily the most hypnotic RnB trip pop single so far from the jazzy instrumental duo Mid Ground. The easy movements of the notes remind you of how sweet freedom can feel as the lyrics do the same.

The single switches the RnB narratives that consistently chase and mourn lust; it delivers a reminder that the only person worth finding is yourself. By playing with rich, ethereal and electrifying textures, the lush reverb-swathed grooves in Peace in the Sky leave you absorbed from start to finish. My soul feels infinitely lighter for hearing this tranquil yet fierce affirmation that independence is infinitely more rewarding than co-dependence.

Peace in the Sky was officially released on September 17th; you can check it out for yourselves via Bandcamp & SoundCloud.

Review by Amelia Vandergast