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Mew Kardo

Lose yourself in the videogame-esque aesthetic in Mew Kardo’s latest trap single, VODOLADY

On Christmas Day, the trap trailblazer, Mew Kardo, put his debut LP, GAMK VOL2:ALLNIGHTLONG, under everyone’s tree and allowed the genre to transcend its archetypes. The pop-hooked 8-bit adjacent standout single, VODOLADY, portrays Mew Kardo as an antihero you can’t help but warm to as the melodies meander beneath his distinctively infectious bars that flow with a killer cadence.

His work, a vibrant blend of trap’s raw energy and a digital, almost videogame-like aesthetic, marks an immersive evolution in the genre. Kardo, drawing inspiration from titans like Kanye West and Kendrick Lamar, infuses his music with a sense of boundless creativity, yet remains grounded in the gritty realism that trap music embodies.

Kardo’s skill in storytelling shines through as he navigates this complex landscape with a deft lyrical prowess reminiscent of Lil Wayne’s intricate wordplay and André 3000’s vivid narratives. The track is a journey through a world where the beats are as pulsating as the pixels on a screen, creating an immersive experience that is both familiar and refreshingly novel.

VODOLADY speaks of a future where genres are fluid, and artists like him are the architects of this new musical landscape. His ability to filter reality through a digital lens while staying true to the roots of trap is nothing short of remarkable. This release is a testament to his potential, hinting at a career that will be as impactful as it is innovative.

Stream VODOLADY on Spotify now.

Follow Mew Kardo on Instagram.

Review by Amelia Vandergast

Elevating the Night: An Exclusive Conversation with Mew Kardo

Dive into the nocturnal soundscape with Mew Kardo as we explore the essence of his latest album, GAMK VOL2:ALLNIGHTLONG. In this exclusive interview, we unravel the artistic journey behind the project, the aspirations that fuel his creative fire, and the profound impact of his upbringing on the musical tapestry he weaves.

Can you take us through the creative process and inspiration that fueled the release GAMK VOL2:ALLNIGHTLONG, and how it stands apart from your previous works?

The creative process for this project was a lengthy one. After Volume 1 dropped in 2020, i was at a standstill creatively. I was still recording music but not having a plan for it. Dropped a few songs here and there but no project was in my mind. Then In 2022, I remember coming across a video on YouTube about Michael Jackson’s album “Thriller” and how it was created. In the video, they talked about recording over 50 songs for Thriller and then cutting it down to 9 songs. I took that mindset and ran with it. Recording over 70 songs for volume 2. My favorite thing about Thriller is how there is a song on there for every target audience, and I wanted volume 2 give that same feel. No songs sounding the same or being repetitive. What else helped with this project is that I started to produce more beats on my own and I also started working with a local band in Philly and they helped me develop my song writing, coming up with song structures, and finding my voice more. The difference in Volume 1 and Volume 2 is that volume 2 has more depth and personality to it. It also has more character to it. The songs show that I’m having fun with my craft.

You’ve mentioned that your upbringing has played a significant role in shaping your music. Could you elaborate on how your roots and personal experiences influence the themes and emotions embedded in your tracks?

My upbringing has such an impact on my music because philly is home of some of the best rappers.

So growing up here and doing music, I had to have that skill in my arsenal. Outside of music, Philly is a unique place because it’s not really mentioned with major cities like New York l, Atlanta, or LA, but has the same things those cities have to offer. Nightlife, street life, and everything in between. Being in this type of environment gives me the duality to write songs about partying and enjoying life but also the struggles of being from the inner city.

Beyond the music scene, you’ve expressed a passion for sports and fashion. How do these interests seep into your creative world, and do they influence your artistic decisions or aesthetic choices?

Music, sports, and fashion. That’s all I’ve been my biggest interest. The sports aspect of it is because I grew up playing sports and having that competitive spirit. I look at music the same way. It’s all about being competitive in order to put out your best product. And if sport’s represents the gritty, competitive nature of my music, then fashion represents the beauty and luxury of my music. My older brother would always tell me that I have to look the part of a rapper just as much as I sound like the part. Getting a compliment on your outfit from a random person and then telling them you do music and their response is “I can see that” is important just like somebody telling you they like the hook on one of your songs. Songs like “InTheField” showcase my love for sports and songs like “NEVERMETVIRGIL” showcase my love for fashion.

Dreams of touring and winning a Grammy are on your radar. Can you share some insights into your vision for live performances and what winning a Grammy would mean to you as an artist?

Touring is something I’ve always dreamed about doing. For live performances I think great stage design and great stage presence will have you on tour for the rest of your career. I always pictured a huge Mew (the Pokémon) on stage while performing. More than just being a rapper, I have always seen myself as an entertainer. As far as winning a Grammy, that’s like winning MVP. It reminds you that you’re doing the right things and putting in the work. Also my great grandmother before she passed, would ask me if she was going to see me on tv one day at the award shows, so winning one would have some more meaning to it.

Community holds a special place in your heart. How do you plan to utilize your success and resources to give back to your community, and are there specific initiatives or causes you’re particularly passionate about supporting?

Community is one of the most important things to me. My community kept me out of trouble and presented me with opportunities and so I want to do the same for the younger generation coming after me. On a small scale, I want to donate and provide resources to local schools and community organizations. Helping as much as I can. On a bigger scale, I want to open a school.

Find out more about Mew Kardo here