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Love is in Command

Kneel at the altar of indie rock gospel with True North’s latest release, Love is in Command

Following a leftfield electronica-esque prelude that’s tinged with 90s rave culture, True North’s latest single, Love is in Command reaches its euphorically riotous alt-rock epicentre before grooving into a swathed with soul anthem.

With each new progression comes a lesson in seamlessly transitional experimentalism. The only constant between the switches in style, passion and tone is the infectious energy which pulls you deeper into the uninhibited zeal of the release crafted by the UK-based coven of independent songwriters.

With the shimmering organs and soul-wrapped backing harmonies around the Happy Mondays-reminiscent rhythms, Love is in Command is gospel for any indie kids who never need an excuse to kneel at the altar of 90s nostalgia.

True North, led by Reg Kielty, perceptibly succeeded in their mission of creating an eclectic brimming-with-commercial-potential hit which delivers authentic, honest, and no-frills songwriting. We couldn’t be more obsessed with the aura of this earworm if we tried.

Love is in Command was officially released on March 4th; stream the single on Spotify.

Review by Amelia Vandergast