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Long Nails

The Euro Disco Claws Are Out in Miron’s Latest Single, Long Nails

With synth lines that will speak to your rhythmic pulses as fluently as the ones that made New Order’s single, Blue Monday, so iconic, the latest single, Long Nails, from the Parisian purveyor of dance-rock, Miron, is strong enough to bring in a new wave of exhilarant gloomy electronica.

The singer-songwriter has become one of the freshest parts of the Parisian touring circuit fabric with his high-energy live shows; his Euro disco hits resonate just as well on the airwaves for the way his authentic vocal lines command your attention while the synthetics lure you into sonically hedonist escapism.

He may not have reinvented the wheel with Long Nails, but he has certainly engraved his signature into it while ensuring the familiarity of his earworm never came at a compromise to his expressive autonomy.

“I wanted to explore a different genre and bring in some fresh elements, while still staying true to my sound. The 80s influence in this track represents a time that has always fascinated me. I wanted to bring that feeling back and share it with my listeners”.

Long Nails is now available to stream on Spotify.

Review by Amelia Vandergast